Cutting hair


New Member
How many of you cut your hair when you first started growing it out. I have been following the tips on the site but my hair looks sooo scraggley on the ends, i really would love a nice healthy bob. i am thinking of cutting it all off into a short bowl cut, most of the people that i have seen do this seem to grow their hair out fast my hair grows fast but it looks really bad and i am tired of holding on to hair even if it looks bad any thoughts?
I would cut them, you hair will grow back longer and healthier in no time! Just try to take EXTRA care of your ends once you get your fresh cut!
I think you should do that if it is in the condition that you say it is. I mean it is more healthy to have no split ends than to have raggedy ends. When I started growing my hair my stylist didn't cut my hair, but gave me a good trim.
Based on your post, I would go ahead and cut the hair. The goal is to have HEALTHY long hair...not just long hair.
When you actually cut all those scraggley ends off, you'll notice that it's easier to grow healthy hair. You won't need trims as often and therefore you'll notice that your hair is growing. Before i did my big chop, i knew my ends were damaged but wanted to hold on to the length. But then i got to thinkin about it, and came to realize that it's just hair, it'll grow back.
I cut my hair all off last February. My hair was about twenty two inches long before the cut but it was paper thin. It was a really nice cut too. It was shaved on the sides and in the back and it was about six inches long on the top. My last haircut was May of 2003. Now, in July of 2004, my hair is 17 inches long and thicker than it was before I cut it. I admit, somewhere in the middle of the grow back period, I was losing my mind because I hated how it was growing out. It was too thick and with the awkward between-ear-and-chin-length, I had NO styling options! All in all my hair is healthier now and it actually grew back even, (Lord knows it has never been even before). I say do it! The end result will be well worth the grow back pain!
I agree.....

Cutting when it's truly necessary can be the single most useful thing you can do to improve the condition of your hair when you are first starting out.

As you learn how to maintain it, you'll need those major cuts much less often (if at all) and you'll have healthier, happier, more beauitful hair to show for it. I wouldn't recommend shaving the back (the growout on that can be a pain) but perhaps something right at the chin or the ear....
i didnt cut my hair on purpose.. an evil SHS chopped it off, and thats what encouraged me to seek other resources.
I cut my hair to a below the ear bob about a year and a half ago and started over. My hair grew back fast and in better condition. I am glad I did it but hope to not have to go the short again. It was what I needed to start over. This is when I learned that no matter how I cut my hair it always grows back into layers and in a v shape.
Hello well i toke the big leap and got my hair but into a bob last night, it's still not totally even it's more of a layered bob exspecially in the back and i love it! My hair has always been thick so i know it was the dead thin ends making it look horrible, i actually love it so much i am not sure if i want to grow my hair out real long. I realize when my hair is long i have no styling options except lots of variations of the ponytail. My hair was always so long as a child that i think i have been stuck in this i have to have long hair mentality. But i see so many women with long hair that do nothing with it, except wear it up cause they have to or it will break. So i am now re-thinking trying to grow it soooo long, but more so is it healthy but this board has helped i had helmet hair before and it is starting to look so much better it even has some swing to it ever now and then. Thanks for all the posts and advice!
I got rid of all my damaged ends/hair and had my hair cut to shoulder length when I first started my Hair Journey that first week in Feb. 2004. It's definitely a great way to start over!