Cutting Hair by The Moon Phase


Well-Known Member
Got my hair cut by a very persisted stylist so after 30mins of going back and forth I gave in I am 90% natural some damage hair I know, and I have not trusted anyone to cut in 3 yeArs long story short I had 16 inches of relaxed hair without taking care of both textures I am now 6 front 4 sides 2 inches in the crown down to my nape. My question is I got my hair cut on feb 10 not on the moon phase day to grow does this mean it won't grow? Or grow as fast I know this sounds stupid will all important issues going on in the world but please help and thanks she washed,DC w heat,bd, cut off the ends even it out right side was longer than lef then flat iron. Will my hair grow ?
Hx I was relaxed for 30 years going natural has been an experience still can't style it when she flat ironed my hair I loved it because it is thicker
That's a good question. I made it a point to not even dust until Feb 23, 2012. I read in the Farmer's Almanac (sp?) that there are dates to speed growth and to slow it. I specifically marked my calendar for the faster growth dates...I dunno. I'm new to this. Maybe someone else can help...
Your hair will grow regardless. I know people who use the moon calendar and to test it out myself, I used this board to follow the moon phases last year. If you search the board you can dig up some old threads to read other people's experiences. I personally didn't see any difference in growth rate so to me the moon and solstice dates are more like a calendar to keep you on track for trims - if you get them regularly. Enjoy your natural journey.
I look at the online almanac best days to cut hair to increase growth been doing in since early 2011 its TOTALLY still going to grow BUT there are days that decrease growth and days that increase it. At least that's how the almanac puts it
Your hair will grow regardless. I know people who use the moon calendar and to test it out myself, I used this board to follow the moon phases last year. If you search the board you can dig up some old threads to read other people's experiences. I personally didn't see any difference in growth rate so to me the moon and solstice dates are more like a calendar to keep you on track for trims - if you get them regularly. Enjoy your natural journey.
Thanks iam loving the thickness so far, knock on wood
I just want it to grow like weeds without set backs
I look at the online almanac best days to cut hair to increase growth been doing in since early 2011 its TOTALLY still going to grow BUT there are days that decrease growth and days that increase it. At least that's how the almanac puts it

I did not think about it until later I kept thinking about the ladies on here saying scissor hating stylist or scissor happy but I gave in, she was nice about it I wii probably trim a little on the day u mention thanks for replying. I will start a journal w pictures next week to keep up w my growing progress
I made a decision to start trimming my hair anywhere between the 3rd and 11th day after the new moon begins. This is suppose to be the hair growth trim time of the luna phase. So as of April this year, this is when I will be having my hair trimmed.
This was something my Mom would do when I was little and I had hair to my mid-back. Thanks for the post. I'm going to give my Mom a call now to inquire.
Thanks Aicer for the link. That's the one I have used in the past. I see 2012 claender is still in progress. That's okay, I'm not trimming until April and the cutting time for length anf thickness is already on there.
I print this out every year to know the best days to cut or trim my hair My reason is religion there is a time and season for everything under the sun. If you think about it........... fruit and veggies are best during their season (I also grew up on a farm) my grandfather and daddy only plant our gardens after the last killing frost. Your hair is growing all of the time, I just believe I have more consistent growth if I trim during trimming season.
I print this out every year to know the best days to cut or trim my hair My reason is religion there is a time and season for everything under the sun. If you think about it........... fruit and veggies are best during their season (I also grew up on a farm) my grandfather and daddy only plant our gardens after the last killing frost. Your hair is growing all of the time, I just believe I have more consistent growth if I trim during trimming season.

Thanks as per this site, I see the best days for gaining length are March 2,3 and 4.