Cut some hair...


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
I could NOT get my hair to cooperate this morning. Normally its easy for me to slick my damp hair back into a super sleek bun, but today was a NO GO!
The hair putting up the biggest fight was behind my ears, i got frustrated, grabbed my scissors and chopped off the relaxed ends! I looked in the mirror and they curled up into the cutest curls! Oh i can't wait to be natural, and have a little length. 6 months down, 11 to go. Whats wrong with my ticker :perplexed ?
ENJOY! and nothings wrong with the ticker I can see it, I couldn't figure out how to paste mine, I only would see words lol
nubianqt86 said:
I could NOT get my hair to cooperate this morning. Normally its easy for me to slick my damp hair back into a super sleek bun, but today was a NO GO!
The hair putting up the biggest fight was behind my ears, i got frustrated, grabbed my scissors and chopped off the relaxed ends! I looked in the mirror and they curled up into the cutest curls! Oh i can't wait to be natural, and have a little length. 6 months down, 11 to go. Whats wrong with my ticker :perplexed ?