curly perm at home?


hi! For about a year now I have been flirting with the idea of a curly perm. I want low maintenance hair! I normally wear twist/braidouts but I don´t like to worry about frizzies when it´s humid and staying at home when airdrying (it takes forever!) plus my relaxed hair always breaks when manipulated wet. Curly airdrying is no option because I don´t like my curl pattern. So I thought a curly perm could be the solution to my problem... just wash and go. Also, today I read that curly perms do less harm than relaxers.
Only problem is: I don´t have any hope to find somebody here in Germany who really knows about this technique. And I am on a tight budget. Do you think I or a friend could do it at home?
Wow... I honestly didn't know that people actually do curly perms anymore...

OH, and by the way, curly perms are only for use on NATURAL hair!!! Definitely don't use it on your relaxed hair, or your hair will probably go right down the drain along with the chemical solution!!
I used to have a stylist come to my home, and do my curly perm (wave nouveau), so I guess it could be done if someone followed the directions very carefully & applied the perm rods properly. I've never heard of anyone doing it themselves, though. Sounds risky. Also, from what I know & my experience, curly perms are not wash & go. It will turn into a dry, crispy, hard mess if washed too often. Then you will have to slather a whole bottle of activator on it, and wear a shower cap for days to get the curls to come back.
Yeah, I agree w/ Lindy, you cant put that over already relaxed hair, but I was thinking about a leisure curl a few months back. My hair grew like weeds when I had one when I was younger.
I'm unaware of anything that can be done to allow you to get a curly perm after you have been relaxed. I would only quess that you would have to cut off all the relaxed ends and wait until you get a few inches before getting that process done.
As for you letting a friend do it, I wouldnt suggest it, unless you had EXTREME confidence in their skills. I would say do some investing to see how or where in your area if any can assist you in the possible transtion.
Keep us posted, I'm interested to see what the procedure is for switching to a curly perm myself