Curlformer Tips


Spreading my wings
Ok. So last night I was exHAUSTED from all the stuff I'm doing, BUT, I wanted to look hot for hubby's bday soooo....

I tried the Curlformers for the first time, and I immediately saw what people meant about the pulling. I knew that could not be right so I immediately pushed the hook back out--I would never try to force hair with that much pulling. I was about to just GIVE UP when I decided to try an even smaller section of hair. It glided through like a breeze.

So after I understood what it should feel like, I did a couple more. THEN, I decided that the makers of this product could not possibly mean for the users to use SO MANY which is what would happen if I kept using tiny sections of hair.

SO....after several more attempts I realized that the key is to not hold the hook so close to the scalp. You see, I thought that I had to hold the hook close to the scalp in order for the curlformer to end up close to the scalp. NOT TRUE. When I put the hook on the hair a good inch or two down from the scalp, I was able to use more hair and FEWER Curlformers. Plus the hair glided through just like when I used a smaller section of hair.
I used four packs in total BUT remember I did part of my hair in the beginning using small sections. To get the Curlformer close to the scalp once I removed the hook, I twisted the Curlformer sorta and it got closer the scalp like in the youtube video (Thank you!)

So final points:

1. Section hair (practice with different amounts so you don't need to use a thousand curlformers) and twist section at root to make it fit in the hook. PLACE THE HOOK AT LEAST AN INCH DOWN FROM THE SCALP!!!

2. One hand gently opens the hole of the Curlformer while the other hand(finger) pushes the tip of the hook into the hole.

3. Glide hook downward and out. It should GLIDE out. If it pulls, PUSH IT BACK OUT!

THERE IS NO PULLING, TUGGING, NOR PAIN. Once you get the hang of it, it IS EASY and FAST. Everything I need -easy, fast, and painless.

Other notes: I have a lot of 4aish hair (the category it comes closest to) that ranges from shoulder length near base of my neck where stylist damaged it, to apl and bsl--yeah, I know. My hair is thick as in fat strands and the number of hairs is alot so if I can do it, YOU CAN TOO.

BTW, I used Pibb Valentino and was done in 5-7 min. (I partially air dried). Since it was so late, I decided to sleep in them. Not something I would want to do every day, but doable. HTH :grin:
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Yeah they were a breeze to put in, but the extra wide and long was not ideal for my natural hair, my roots were straight, but the rest of my hair was kind of bushier than normal. They cost too much too not turn out fabulous. I can get my ends bone straight with perm rods.

For all the ladies that think it is too much work, it is not at is actually fun!!!
Thanks for posting the tips. I saw where some people were mentioning "pulling" and I'm like...:perplexed

Your hair should be GLIDING through these very easily. My hair gets "pulled" more when I do a braidout.

Curlformers are incredibly easy!:yep:
Hi all! I just woke up! Long night of dancing with my "Curlformer'd" hair --hee hee. The curls lasted! Yea! Thanks for letting me know the tips helped!
Yeah they were a breeze to put in, but the extra wide and long was not ideal for my natural hair, my roots were straight, but the rest of my hair was kind of bushier than normal. They cost too much too not turn out fabulous. I can get my ends bone straight with perm rods.

For all the ladies that think it is too much work, it is not at is actually fun!!!

I totally agree. They DO cost too much to not be absolutely perfect! BTW, your natural hair looks fantastic!:yep:
I can't get the hang of these darn things for anything and I'm actually LOSING hair! Maybe I'll try one more time in a few months, I have to give my hair a break the last time was traumatic! And YUP they are expensive for it not to look perfect
The key is:

To make sure your hair is really wet

Only do a small section at a time

Don't force it. If you have to force it, push it back out and do a smaller section

Put the hook about 1 inch from the scalp and slide the curlformer closer to the scalp as you slide the hair in

I learned all of this through a tremendous amount of trial and error. HTH

ETA: It's funny you bumped this thread. I'm wearing curlformers right now!
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I can't get the hang of these darn things for anything and I'm actually LOSING hair! Maybe I'll try one more time in a few months, I have to give my hair a break the last time was traumatic! And YUP they are expensive for it not to look perfect


But i agree, i ripped out some of my hair using and haven't touched them since. I would have burned them if they didn't cost so much.
I can't get the hang of these darn things for anything and I'm actually LOSING hair! Maybe I'll try one more time in a few months, I have to give my hair a break the last time was traumatic! And YUP they are expensive for it not to look perfect

Are u using small sections on soaking wet hair (it helps to use a slippery leaving in...i.e. lacio lacio or something similar) and twisting twirling the root to attach the hook? If your hair doesn't glide through while soaked, ur sections are probably too big....p.s. show us ur results on the blog :)
I just ordered a kit week before last. I graduated to the extra long ones. I love them. When I was natural, I could get relaxer-looking curls without the direct heat. I think you just have to practice. Once you get the hang of them, they're easy. It's also faster if you have more than 1 hook.
I can't get the hang of these darn things for anything and I'm actually LOSING hair! Maybe I'll try one more time in a few months, I have to give my hair a break the last time was traumatic! And YUP they are expensive for it not to look perfect
I also had issues with them and took them all back. I made a couple of threads about them a few months ago lol. Some slid on just fine while others snagged and ripped which I just couldn't deal with and wasn't willing to practice too much on my precious hair :(. I wanted to like them. Idk if I could give them another chance....

ETA: I think they need to perfect the hook somehow. The hook needs a bigger mouth! That was a main reason for my issues. The hair would not stay in the hook unless I used a tiny amount and then I'd need like 100 curlformers even though I have an average head of hair. Even the wide ones didn't work efficiently because the hooks mouth was too small :(. I shudder to think about that ripping sensation when the curler wouldn't pull up smoothly and caught a lot of hair in it ::shakes:: :lol: If they'd make a hook with a bigger mouth I'd give them another shot. I should call the company and ask about that lol
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I wore my curlformers to bed last night. Completely dry straight hair. I just ran a little ORS setting lotion through it and put the curlformers in. I haven't taken them out yet but I'll post pics later.
I tried them once and ran out of curlformers I guess because I was trying to pull it through close from the scalp. I had to use flexirods for the rest of my hair and came out with different looking curls. Not a good look.