Crown & Glory method doesn't work for all???


New Member
Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

Most people on this board have had great success with this method (protective hairstyles, etc. But I realized that I had been doing the method 'til around Feb. of this year. I had been wearing a cornrowed weave for about 2 years, no relaxer, oiling my scalp, diligently giving my hair 'a rest' before re-do's and my hair still never grew past the length it is now. Up until a few weeks ago, I would wear my hair down at least 4 days a week, use heat 2x's per week and my hair is in the same condition it was when I had the weave in. In fact, it is better. My hair is growing in a lot thicker than it had been.. I'm starting to get a bit discouraged ladies. It's like no matter what I do, I get the same result?? I've heard that your hair's maximum length is pre-determined by genetics. Do you think the problem is I've reached my max. length?? Any one else have this problem? My hair is only 3 inches above bra strap??!!
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

OK First of all if this is some setback for you, let me CONGRATULATE you in being 3 inches from bra strap.
You've got a good load of hair there to work with girly. There are some ladies on here that aren't that close yet who are clued up on the whole hair care thing.

You say you are oiling your scalp..but what with. Are you oiling it with oils or grease, there is a big difference trust me. If it's grease (ie petroleum based) here's what you, open your front door, lay it on the ground infront of you and kick it to the curb!

I noticed you said you had been wearing weaves for 2 years, so maybe the lack of frequent washings and conditioning have set you back. There has been much success with daily rising on this board, and a lot of the women on her regularly wash/condition their hair a few times a week. From weaing a weave for so long you've hindered you growth to a degree IMO (in my opinion) even though you've given it a rest.

Don't worry my dear there's plenty you can do to helo your hair along the way.

Let me ask you a few questions?

What is your diet like?

Do you take any supplements?

Do you exercise?

How do you wear your hair on a daily basis?

Do you wear protective styles?

Do you moisturise your hair and their ends nightly?

Do you oil/moisturise your scalp, if so what with?

How often do you wash your hair?

What shampoo do you use (you could be using one too harsh for your hair)

Do you deep condition?

Do you use heat (ie blowdryers tongs etc)

Are you relaxed or natural?

If relaxed, lye or no lye relaxers?

These are basic questions, even though a lot but it will give us a basic idea as to how you are looking after your hair and then help you in the right direction to get it even longer and healthier.

Welcome to the board BTW

Oh yeah and your're right the C&G method doesn't work for all. It didn't work for me, but THERE IS something that will. You'll find it soon enough with the help of the board.
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

orangemarmalade, what length is ur hair now? What texture?
I was using the braided weave method for a bout a year and a 1/2 and it didn't work for me. I believe it didn't work because I wasn't washing and conditioning my hair frequently and, I definitely wasn't moisturizing. I only oiled my scalp with a petroleum based grease and that turned out to be detrimental to my hair. My hair was always dry and hard.

Since i came to this board and ezboard's relaxed haircare board, I've been learning new methods.I coupled what I learned with the crown and glory method from Robin's site Http:// and I have to say that my hair is progressing at a good rate. I wash my hair every 3 to 4 days (or more often) and I always condition and oil with a light oil. I always make sure to moisturize and allow my hair to breath before redoing the braids. I had the assumption that leaving my hair braided in its natural state was sufficient but you still have to put a lot of work into it.

If you try the method again, modify it and see how your hair turns out. I would also recommend spraying the braids with dilute curl activator moisturizer.
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

Oh yes and I forgot to ask what do you wear on your head at night.

Cotton or satin? If you wear bandanas and love them like Davinne you may want to give those up also, they do nothing but suck out the moisture in our hair and rub away at the hairline and nape areas. You can get satin scarves or if you don't wear anything on your head or are embarrased infront of your significant other then you can get a satin pillowcase
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

I remember when I braided/weaved my hair, I found that it came out hard and dry as well - then I changed the way I did it (by making sure the hair was conditioned/lubricated before braiding) and then it came out in much better condition - it wasn't dry or hard anymore ...
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

Thanks for the words of encouragement LondonDiva! Beleive me, it was needed. Now let's see:

What is your diet like?
Overall pretty good. I don't eat red meat more than once per month, lots of protein,no sweets, and I make sure to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day ( I know it should be 8 but I'm working on that

Do you take any supplements?
Yup!! MSM,Pantothenic Acid, Multi,Lecithin,Vit. B complex,Opti-Zinc L

Do you exercise?

How do you wear your hair on a daily basis?
Up in a bun. i use a hair claw instead of a rubber band; they tend to pull my hair out. But, I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks. I was blowdrying and flat ironing 2x's per week.

Do you wear protective styles?

Do you moisturise your hair and their ends nightly?
Yes. I use Phyto 9

Do you oil/moisturise your scalp, if so what with?
I use Jojoba oil
How often do you wash your hair?
I 'wash' twice per week. I rinse everyday.

What shampoo do you use (you could be using one too harsh for your hair)
I use Joico chelating shampoo or Joico Kerapro

Do you deep condition?
Yes. I either use Phyto Karite or Terax

Do you use heat (ie blowdryers tongs etc)
Not anymore.

Are you relaxed or natural?

My hair type is 3c crown area and 2c/3c mix around the sides.

So what do ya think?? I 'think' I'm doing everything right but your input is greatly appreciated. I've seen the advice you've given to others and it's really helpful
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

Sounds like you defintely relate to what I'm talking about. I wasn't dilligently massaging my scalp while in cornrows. I did sporadically use a Nioxin like serum. My hair is 3c crown and 2c/3c mix on the side (I think)...
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

OM, it sounds like you were doing the right things, but your hair just wasn't getting enough moisture. i've never used Phyto 9 so i don't know how my hair would respond, but i looked up the ingredients:

"Macadamia Oil, St. John's Wort, Burdock, Marigold, Rosemary, Sage, Willow, Soybean, Plant Mucilage"

it has some great stuff in it, but you might need a little more or something different to help you retain length. what do you put on your ends when you put your hair in the bun?
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

I use the Phyto 9, but I combine it with other oils. I've never used it by itself (I'm a PJ). It really smooths my hairline and frizzies. I've used it for about 2 years now.
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

If allowed to enter my two cents...I can relate to what you're saying OrangeMarmalade in that I used to be a weave addict way back when. What I noticed with my hair is that it grew, but it was very thin and stringy looking. I don't think weaving allows the hair to really get moisturized as when it's in braids. Same thing goes as far as conditioning, etc. When I hear "Crown and Glory Method" I think of Robin's site April 5th I used that method to braid my hair in individuals. I actually don't like a lot of braids so I only did about 49 braids. I got a lot of growth so I took them down the night of Mother's Day. I washed, conditioned and sprayed my braids religiously. When I took my hair out of the braids, the hair was soft and moisturized. For hair that was put away for about 5 weeks, I'd say that I had very little shedding. I also took my time unbraiding the hair and used a "Unbraid" spray. Hope this helps. I know everyone is different, but this is what worked for me....
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

I like the crown and glory method with a few exceptions. The Infusium23 does more harm to my hair than good. It gets hard and matted. Also, if I overwet the braids too often with leave in, I get too fuzzy and my braids don't hold up long. Other than that it's fine. I like her method of washing braids. I just need a different leave in.
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

I like the crown and glory method with a few exceptions. The Infusium23 does more harm to my hair than good. It gets hard and matted. Also, if I overwet the braids too often with leave in, I get too fuzzy and my braids don't hold up long. Other than that it's fine. I like her method of washing braids. I just need a different leave in.

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Yeah, I am with you on the leave in. I found myself having to dilute it so it wouldn't be so harsh.
Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

I think that you need something more. Like Adrienne said it has great stuff, you may just need a bit more moisture at various times.

Re: Crown & Glory method doesn\'t work for all???

OK good -- so I'm not the only one not singing the Infusium 23 praises.