cross wrap tutorial

Mrs. Wright said:
Thanks for replying. How do I get to khandiB's fotki? I am new to the forum. I just joined today.:)

No problem at all.

I bumped up a thread started by her. Click on her name. Click veiw profile. You will find her link there. (You can do this for anyone's fotki if they have it listed.) I just dont want to put her all on her since I didnt ask her permission.

Check your PM for more detailed info. HTH. (Hope that Helps)
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Sorry, I don't mean to sound stupid, but I don't see where to click on her name. Please help, I am new to this forum.:confused: Thanks alot for your time.:)
Did you check your PM?

I dont mind helping at all. Just let me know if you got it.

*I don't think there is a stupid question if you dont know the answer. No problem at all.*
I need you to call me!! :lol: (joking)

You might have gotten a lil box to pop up on your screen saying you had a message. If not, look at the top of your screen on the right hand side. You will see Welcome, Mrs. Wright in Black Bold letters. A few lines under that, you will see Private Messages. Click on the "Private Messages."

here is what mine look like

Welcome, Letitia.
You last visited: Today at 05:50 PM
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total xxx.
Mrs. Wright said:
THANKS A LOT! i FINALLY GOT IT.:lol: I'm going to try the cross wrap tonight.

giggles. GREAT! I hope it works out for you. I have yet to try it. Let me know how it turns out.
Letitia said:
giggles. GREAT! I hope it works out for you. I have yet to try it. Let me know how it turns out.

Hey, It did not turn out so good. I think I need some more practice. Something happens when I try to cross the two sides over one another. The ends end up sticking up and not laying down. I'll try again tonight to see if I can get it.
Mrs. Wright said:
Hey, It did not turn out so good. I think I need some more practice. Something happens when I try to cross the two sides over one another. The ends end up sticking up and not laying down. I'll try again tonight to see if I can get it.

well drats. I hope you get it to work. I have never tried. I hope some of the other ladies will pop in with some tips.
It might take practice...... im still trying to get it to act right Ive only tried twice that I see khandiB's way I'll give it another go and keep practicing till it comes out right.....
by the way WELCOME TO THR FORUM Mrs. Wright:dance7:
The same thing happened on my first day of trying. I think it was because i twisted the ends before clipping, i used those duckbill pills and i tied a scarf on my hair.
The 2nd time, i didnt twist the hair, i used these kind of clips instead

and i wore a hair net instead of a scarf. My hair looked great!! Its definitley less manipulation than the wrapping method.
Mrs. Wright said:
Hey, It did not turn out so good. I think I need some more practice. Something happens when I try to cross the two sides over one another. The ends end up sticking up and not laying down. I'll try again tonight to see if I can get it.
What a cute conversation between you and Letitia. :p
For me, Divine Inspiration's tip helped... If you separate your hair like you were making two ponytails in the back, and then cross the left side over the right, then clip it, and bring the right over to the left and clip it. I will often readjust the clips moving them farther to the ens of my hair. Sometime I will also clip it straight down the back where the two sides cross, too.