Crazy things you've done, .... because of the board


Well-Known Member
Well with so many diffrent hair growing tips and crazy advice what would you gal say it the craziest thang you've done because of a hair board.

ot knocking anyone who tried it just sharing my point of view....

As far myself I would say MTG.... Baby I would have never in a million year jump in that bandwagon if soo many people were not doing it themselves. To buy a product intend for an animal and try it on myself... Ohh my, my friends thought I had straight up issues.. and after the trail size and the smell I called it a wrap, cuz smelling like A$$ was not for me....

N oh yeah the Neosporin trend I might just try that, but that seems crazy as well. Mons-7, I dont think so.
The monistat thing its by far the craziest thing. Oh and wrapping my stomach in plastic when i work out. But so far both are working!!! :)
I haven't tried any crazy hair growth products or anything.

I think when I first came here my regimen was so labor intensive and detailed. I mean I was co washing everyday, doing pre-poo's, hot oil treatments, long ass deep conditioning treatments, airdrying for 4+ hours, blah blah blah.

Now I'm the exact opposite :lol:
mblake8 said:
The monistat thing its by far the craziest thing.

same here.

MTG, as well. I bought the trial size. I don't see how I could go around smelling like that stuff!
I absolutely NEVER planned on using MTG. A friend of mine lurks on the board and started using it and sent me half of her bottle. I wouldn't have bought it on my own and when I run out of what she sent, I'm done.

(it works though)