Cowgirl, What a GREAT IDEA!!!


Active Member

I checked out your album, I absolutely love the tee-shirt with inch measurements on it. What a Great Idea!!! How did you ever think of it? It's really cute.
I just checked the t-shirt out, and you're right, it is a great idea.

I also just checked out your new pictures, and your hair is coming along nicely. It is so pretty. I can not wait until I'm completely natural.
I just saw it too. That IS a great idea. The only problem I think I would have is how to precisely draw the line measurments in the T Shirt.
SilkyandSmooth said:

I also just checked out your new pictures, and your hair is coming along nicely. It is so pretty. I can not wait until I'm completely natural.

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks! i appreciate your comment

yeah that tshirt idea is a good one! it may or maynot work for me because my hair grows out instead of down. unless i stretch it for the length shots. opkay im making one
Thanks ladies. The idea just hit me because when you're so close to something it's hard for you to notice progress. You know how other people will always notice things about you before you notice them yourself. So I thought this would be a good way for me to actually see some progress.

I just used a seamstress measuring tape and marked one inch dots down the t-shirt. Then I used a little minituare level to draw the lines straight across. I don't care if it's not 100% accurate, I just wanted something to gauge my progress.