Could a salon exist with our LHCF guidelines??


New Member
I was thinking about this today at lunch...

I would personally love to go to the salon of an LHCF member who understands our general principals behind hair care. I cannot seem to find one yet.

However being that salons are supposed to be profitable for the owners...could one survive with our principals?

-For instance stretching relaxers...If a salon encouraged stretching relaxers they would make half or even less than the money they currently do. Could there be a salon owner that would sacrifice the money for the health of their clients hair.

-Also we don't encourage over styling the hair

-We don't encourage trimming unless hair is damaged...most stylist trim after every relaxer every 6 weeks.

There are a host of principals we adhere to that most salon owners would cringe at hearing.

Just wondering what your opinions were on this issue.

Let me know
Well, the stylist I goes to encourages me to stretch my relaxers, and she isn't scissor happy either. She also doesn't relax my hair bone straight. Sounds like a good LHCF sylist to me.
well, the way i see it....the more they follow the LHCF principles...the happier the clients....and word of mouth aint no joke! so they may not make as much per person, but the number of people would probably make up for it!
What I want to know is would a stylist do a conditioner wash? I have never even heard of doing this until I came on this board. I would they they would look at you like "huh?"

Have any of your stylists recommended doing this?
absolutly they exist, my mom is a hairstylist an i only trust her to do the important things like trims, perms etc. shes totally focused on healthy hair care. unlike sum who are more focused on chopping it off, slathering u down with gel an pushing u out the door lol.
LOL@ Wolftrap. No stylist I've had has recommended conditioner washes

I think most Dominican salons adhere to these principles--no trimming, especially. They don't seem to promote stretching, but if you opt not to get one, they don't force it on you like other stylists
I think so, because if the clients are showing positive results from services received, they attract more and more customers...that will make the business profitable, repeat customers and constantly growing clientele.
dreemssold said:
LOL@ Wolftrap. No stylist I've had has recommended conditioner washes

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I wonder if you told your stylist that you do this what would they say? Have any of you told your stylists about this?
I think if they implemented a few OTHER things, they would make MORE money following LHCF guidelines (and probably do a lot less work!). For example:

1) instead of charging an arm and leg for relaxers every 4-6 weeks, go ahead and allow a sistah to stretch to 8 to 10 weeks by providing a 6 weeks post relaxer protein treatment followed by a deep moisturizing conditioner at reasonable price (I'm not sure what a reasonable price is, but I MIGHT pay $25 for this service) Maybe even, charge less, say $15 if I bring my own stuff.

1) do wash and rollerset for $15 (like the dominicians in NY do) and charge only $10 if you bring your own products. Girls, I would go EVERY WEEK if I can get someone else to do my wash and rollersets for $10. Right there, they'll be making $40 a month off me alone, and I would tip, baby -- when all they get from me NOW is the touchup cost of $50 every 10 weeks.

3) Definitely DO the conditioner washes, I mean, they'll be SAVING a ton of shampoo (errr, that's mo money in their pocket 'cause less overhead, 'cause not spending so much on poo) AND they're making the customer happy, that's a no brainer (but we all know most of these people are lacking in that department).

4) Work with a sistah 6, 7, 8 ten weeks post relaxer by providing service where the wash is tailored to prevent breakage. The could advertize as follows:





Jeez, the more I think about it, the more you'd think they catch the drift and just go with the flow. . . Anywho, for the $25 wash and rollset that they charge here in Atlanta (even my dominician stylist charges that), I just ain't working that in my budget seeing as I can do my own.

You, know, I MAY just propose this option to her next time I go by, maybe PREPAY her the $40 bucks at the beginning of each month and then just go once a week -- she may go for that upfront cash . . . hmmmmm, I'll let you all know the results of that little negotiation . . .
dreemssold said:
No stylist I've had has recommended conditioner washes

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My stylist did! He said that if I work out a lot, I should just wash with conditioner. Best not to use shampoo more often than once a week.

An LHCF-based salon would make more $$$ from rollersetting and twisting and braiding than from relaxer touchups. It wouldn't flat iron or curling iron the relaxed clients, and it'd have to be knowledgable about naturals, too. All this combined is rare.
Really good suggestions. I personally would love to find a stylist that does all that. One that will allow me to airdry in a pony tail with the end on a roller.

I one day would actually like to open my own luxury salon and spa. I would definitely implement these rules make each stylist follow them. It would be amazing to have a salon that focuses on growing colored women's hair long, and defying the common thought that we can't have it.

The more I think about it the more I think this kind of salon would make money and become famous. They could advertise all of the clients that they have and how much the clients hair has grown since coming to them, instead of the styles and 'do's' that they can do.
mystiqu529 said:
Does anyone know of a salon in NYC that almost matches these guidelines?

I'd go there every week

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I would too, I wouldn't mind paying a significant amount either, seeing that I've never had long hair, and need the help getting over the initial hump and reaching my first goals.