Hey Ladies!
Okay, I have some q's about applying oils to your hair.
1. What're the best way to incorporate oils into a regime?
From what I've read on here, oil molecules are too big to be absorbed into the hair shaft, and therefore, are only useful for sealing in moisture. But some people do pre-poo treatments and slather their hair w/ oil before a conditioner. Some people put oil in their spritz moisturizers and into conditioners. This confuses me because how is moisture supposed to get into the hair if it's blocked by the oil? If hair cannot absorb oil, wouldn't this mean that the moisture and oil stages should be applied separately (and in that order) for the best results? If so, why do people mix the two and still get good results?
2. What's the proper way to seal? I've been really REALLY unlucky w/ oils lately. I've put it in moisturizers, I've done the pre-poo, I've used VCO to seal. And each time, my hair's broken right off. I only comb during a conditioner, and even then, the bathtub was covered with broken off curls. Needless to say, oils have gotten me really nervous, but I know they're good for your hair. What's the secret to this oil thing & what am I doing wrong?
3. How often should you apply oils? How long does it take for oil to naturally come off the hair? Let's say I've just moisturized, then sealed w/ an oil. If oil keeps out moisutre, it seems like a waste to apply a new layer of moisutre/oil if that original layer is still there. Wouldn't this lead to faster build-up?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!!
Okay, I have some q's about applying oils to your hair.
1. What're the best way to incorporate oils into a regime?
From what I've read on here, oil molecules are too big to be absorbed into the hair shaft, and therefore, are only useful for sealing in moisture. But some people do pre-poo treatments and slather their hair w/ oil before a conditioner. Some people put oil in their spritz moisturizers and into conditioners. This confuses me because how is moisture supposed to get into the hair if it's blocked by the oil? If hair cannot absorb oil, wouldn't this mean that the moisture and oil stages should be applied separately (and in that order) for the best results? If so, why do people mix the two and still get good results?
2. What's the proper way to seal? I've been really REALLY unlucky w/ oils lately. I've put it in moisturizers, I've done the pre-poo, I've used VCO to seal. And each time, my hair's broken right off. I only comb during a conditioner, and even then, the bathtub was covered with broken off curls. Needless to say, oils have gotten me really nervous, but I know they're good for your hair. What's the secret to this oil thing & what am I doing wrong?
3. How often should you apply oils? How long does it take for oil to naturally come off the hair? Let's say I've just moisturized, then sealed w/ an oil. If oil keeps out moisutre, it seems like a waste to apply a new layer of moisutre/oil if that original layer is still there. Wouldn't this lead to faster build-up?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!!