cool and seal?

Yes & thank you for posting. I saw this and was trying to think of where. And I actually did start doing this. My hair did seem softer, and smoother following this.
Thanks for the reminder... I tried this once before, but I can't remember the results. I need to do this again.
I tried It last night. No heat but an over night DC.
I'm not one for cold showers in ANY WAY. I rinsed in about room temperature water. --->That is the best I could do from now. In general I'm a steamy hot 30 min shower person so it was a stretch for me :o

So far my hair does feel more conditioned that it has in a LONG time.
I'll keep checking my hair and do it again next time.
I actually do something similar after I steam. I let my hair cool for 15-20 mins, rinse out the DC with cool water, then finish with an ACV rinse. When I first started steaming, I noticed my hair didn't feel much different when I rinsed right afterwards, so I tried letting it sit for a while and got much better results.

I'm going to try the "sealing" part tonight and see how it goes.
I 'sealed' my Tiiva Naturals dc with the Bee Mine avocado conditioner and my hair feels amazing today! I'm not sure if the sealing is to blame because I have steamed in weeks by my hair feels incredibly smooth and supple. :yep:

I'm going to try it again next wash day. I wonder if I can pour half of my acv rinse over my dc before rinsing it out, maybe that will give similar results.