Confused about Amla Oil


New Member
I don't understand how amla oil stimulates growth if the first couple of ingredients contain mineral oil. Doesn't mineral oil coat and clog?

I used grease for years and never got any real growth.

Anybody know this one?
What brand are you speaking of? I know some members use brands that have coconut oil as a base, I personally have only used my own homemade. I make it with coconut oil.
Yes I make my own Amla also. There is a coconut based amla oil though. Most people here just use the mineral based amla on their hair.
Hi: I have a bottle of Amla Oil in my product basket and I'm certainly no "Ayurvedic" guru but as I understand it, Amla oil is supposed to strengthen the hair stands. Obviously, when your hair stays on your head, you reach your hair goals.

I'm not a big Amla oil fan. I don't like the smell and it stained a shirt but I'm keeping it because it's supposed to be good for preventing premature greying! :grin:
How do you make your own amla oil?

I want to read this one. I am thinking (off top of head):

1) Purchase amla powder
2) Place oil of choice (mine would be coconut) in bottle
3) Add amla powder
4) Shake ya butt off

Now, would be cool to add something to make sure it emulsifys.

Let's see what the pros say though.
The first bottle of Alma oil I purchased had a stem in the middle which contained all of the herbs. When I used this I got a 1/2 inch growth in about 3 weeks. My stylist and I were both amazed. Neitheir of us wanted to say anything for fear the other would think we were crazy. Also, this one didn't smell as bad as the dark alma. I hope I can find this one again.
How do you make your own amla oil?

I have a mini Crockpot, I pour in enough Parachute coconut oil to almost fill whatever bottle I'm going to store it in, then I put in a couple tablespoons of the powder. Then I let it simmer for a few hours on low to infuse the powder with the oil. Just for the record, IT DOESN'T SMELL PLEASANT. Then I let it sit over night so the sludge can settle at the bottom. Most people strain it through a stocking. I just pour the oil off the top & discard the rest. I still have a little sludge (powder) that settles at the bottom of my bottle & it's cool. It just keeps it nice & potent.:yep: There are more recipes in the recipe threads.
I have a mini Crockpot, I pour in enough Parachute coconut oil to almost fill whatever bottle I'm going to store it in, then I put in a couple tablespoons of the powder. Then I let it simmer for a few hours on low to infuse the powder with the oil. Just for the record, IT DOESN'T SMELL PLEASANT. Then I let it sit over night so the sludge can settle at the bottom. Most people strain it through a stocking. I just pour the oil off the top & discard the rest. I still have a little sludge (powder) that settles at the bottom of my bottle & it's cool. It just keeps it nice & potent.:yep: There are more recipes in the recipe threads.

This sounds good. Has anyone ever used FNWL amla oil. Theirs is sesame seed oil based. I would like to order but want some feedback before I do.
Girl, don't mess with that mineral oil stuff. Either make your own as some others do or buy the Vatika oil. It is coconut based and if you ain't into cooking as I am not, it works just fine.
Bumping, I'm interested in Amla oil as well, but the whole mineral oil thing turned me off when I was looking at the Dabur brand :nono:. I may just have to buy the powder and make my own infusion. I wish my Indian store had more products the choose from. The only things they really have that are worth while are henna, coconut oil, aritha powder, vatika oil, and rose water. Even though I am grateful for those things I wish they also carried Brahmi powder, the other powder that starts with a Bh- but I can't spell or pronounce it :look:, shikakai powder, amla oil. and indigo.
I use the Dabur brand Amla Oil and I like it. It really strengthens my hair. I use the regular Amla Oil and let my hair marinate in it for an hour or two and then wash - no strands in the tub. It also darkens my hair too - I don't have a gray problem, but I see my hair darkening. I don't care about it having mineral oil because it works.

I also use the Amla Oil Lite more as one of my daily moisturizers - it has lemon oil in it an a little goes a LONG way.

I'm going to continue using Amla Oil from Dabur because as long as I have hair on my head, I must be doing something right! I don't neccessarily care about Mineral Oil in my Amla because the results outweigh the negative points.

Good luck with your concoctions ;-)