Confrontation with the "pressing disaster" hairdresser...


Dr. Naptrl :)
I confronted the hairdresser who pressed my hair! She said it's supposed to have straight parts because of my hair texture and the dudley's products she uses. She told me that the people that she presses eventually have straighter hair. I told her that's because it's damaged...she said NO that's not it, that's just how it does. I'm soo upset with her!! She is being very non chalant!! I have soooo learned my lesson.

By the way, though, I have an extremely cute puff that I formed after I washed my hair last night. The straight parts were somewhat hidden in the parts that I brushed back, so I"m excited that I just did the BC in August and I already have a nice size puff!! Whew hew!!!

Sorry to hear she didn't care. I called around my city yesterday to see if there was someone out there who wouldn't torture my poor little curls like the last beautician did. I guess I need to move somewhere where there are

Stay strong!
It's attitudes like this that cause many sistahs to start going to Dominicans for their hair care needs...I'm sorry you had to go thru this. I'm glad that your puff is coming back. BTW, when she pressed your hair did she have one of those stove irons thingies? That stuff completely melted the back section off of my hair about a year and a half ago, from that point I never went back to that stylist and I haven't used heat and my hair has thrived because of it.
Alli77 said:
It's attitudes like this that cause many sistahs to start going to Dominicans for their hair care needs...I'm sorry you had to go thru this. I'm glad that your puff is coming back. BTW, when she pressed your hair did she have one of those stove irons thingies? That stuff completely melted the back section off of my hair about a year and a half ago, from that point I never went back to that stylist and I haven't used heat and my hair has thrived because of it.
Yes, it was a "stove thingy"!! It was so hot I could hardly sit in the chair!! Awful!!
naptrl said:
I confronted the hairdresser who pressed my hair! She said it's supposed to have straight parts because of my hair texture and the dudley's products she uses. She told me that the people that she presses eventually have straighter hair. I told her that's because it's damaged...she said NO that's not it, that's just how it does. I'm soo upset with her!! She is being very non chalant!! I have soooo learned my lesson.

By the way, though, I have an extremely cute puff that I formed after I washed my hair last night. The straight parts were somewhat hidden in the parts that I brushed back, so I"m excited that I just did the BC in August and I already have a nice size puff!! Whew hew!!!


First off...Congrats on the puff! :-)

Secondly...what the stylist told you was partly true. The more and more you press, eventually you WILL have straighter hair, period. The degree of damage depends on how much heat is used to achieve that straight look. But
to me, any heat is too much heat. Esp. when they use the hot stoves....*shaking head*. Those bad boys are !!HOT!!

The fact that she was so nonchalant abt the damage to ur natural hair...terrible. Maybe she figured you didn't mind the heat bcuz you didnt say anything to her at the time. It's sad, but what can u do? At least know better.

Take care gurl, and rock tuff w/ ur puff!

Girl...I am just glad you got out of there without her melting all the hair off your head. I am still saying a hair prayer that it doesnt get dry and brittle and break off. So keep treating it with tender loving care.

It is rare to find a stylist that cares about the HEALTH of your hair over the STYLE of your hair. If they did, they would not do a lot of the processes and styles that they do. Some stylist braid so tight you can smell your eyes!!! Then when you take them down you notice your hairline is now behind your ears! They dont care...they got their money!

We all just have to be our own advocate and upfront with the stylist when they are about to do something dangerous. It is hard to be confrontational for me. But I know I only regret it later when I dont.
naptrl said:
Yes, it was a "stove thingy"!! It was so hot I could hardly sit in the chair!! Awful!!
It's good that you confronted her. I am sick of stylists taking our money and then not doing a good job. :mad: She basically admitted that she was damaging all of her clients hair and didnt give a care - WTF! There is no way that naturally curly AA should stay straight after a press. That sounds like what she is doing is permanently straigtening the hair with heat -- ouch! I would have told her that if I wanted it permanently straightened I would have gotten a relaxer!

Before I found LHCF I would go up to women whose hair looked healthy and ask them where they got it done. I would recommend that you always have a consultation with a stylist before they touch your hair. If they don't want to have a consultation with you then you don't need to let them anywhere near your hair.
I missed all these other comments...
tryin2grow. This was a stylist I had for a looooong time.. That's why I was sooo upset. she's the one that got me to go natural!! I just couldn't believe how she acted!
Whispering a little prayer for Naptrl...I'm glad your puff still looks good. You are one of my biggest inspirations. Please, no more heat. I love love love your pretty hair just the way it is.
Thanks hopeful!!!! That's soo nice of you. I still can't believe people think of ME as an inspiration, especially since I just BC'd in August of 2004!! You're too sweet! Oh, and I'm staying as far away from heat as possible!
naptrl said:
I confronted the hairdresser who pressed my hair! She said it's supposed to have straight parts because of my hair texture and the dudley's products she uses. She told me that the people that she presses eventually have straighter hair. I told her that's because it's damaged...she said NO that's not it, that's just how it does. I'm soo upset with her!! She is being very non chalant!! I have soooo learned my lesson.

By the way, though, I have an extremely cute puff that I formed after I washed my hair last night. The straight parts were somewhat hidden in the parts that I brushed back, so I"m excited that I just did the BC in August and I already have a nice size puff!! Whew hew!!!


I am sorry that she didn't own up to the damaged that she has done. BTW, those stove pressing combs are no joke.
Naptrl, you've got a good amount of hair on your head. How long did you transition or did you grow 5 inches since August? If so, tell me your secret girl!!!
In August I got my hair cut to about 2 inches all over...It has grown that much since then. I really just use surge and keep my hair extremely moist and BRAIDED. I am in braids 95% of the time and I wear the puff the rest of the time. I transitioned for about 6 mos. My last relaxer was in January of 04 and I did the big chop MYSELF in June. I got braids after that and then let the hairdresser do a REAL big chop...that's when I got it cut to 2 inches. It's longer than five inches now though, I think!
I transitioned from January 04-June 04...Did the unofficial BC myself in june and got the hairdresser, who cut it waaaaay to short, to cut it (to 2 inches) in August.
Ugh, now I know definately my hair is not growing. Comparing our hair yours seems longer. The top part of my hair has been growing, but the back is still at the same lenght since October. Now my hair looks awkward to wear in any style besides my puff, including twist.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get my back to grow faster.
naptrl said:
I confronted the hairdresser who pressed my hair! She said it's supposed to have straight parts because of my hair texture and the dudley's products she uses. She told me that the people that she presses eventually have straighter hair. I told her that's because it's damaged...she said NO that's not it, that's just how it does. I'm soo upset with her!! She is being very non chalant!! I have soooo learned my lesson.

By the way, though, I have an extremely cute puff that I formed after I washed my hair last night. The straight parts were somewhat hidden in the parts that I brushed back, so I"m excited that I just did the BC in August and I already have a nice size puff!! Whew hew!!!

Hey Naptrl,
It is good that you had that talk, now you know where she stands. She is not the hairdresser for you and your beautiful head of hair. Chalk it up to experience. Next time you get the itch for heat and the straight style I would definitely check out a reputable Dominican stylist. It the mean time keep on blowin' up the puff !
Belladonna said:
Hey Naptrl,
It is good that you had that talk, now you know where she stands. She is not the hairdresser for you and your beautiful head of hair. Chalk it up to experience. Next time you get the itch for heat and the straight style I would definitely check out a reputable Dominican stylist. It the mean time keep on blowin' up the puff !
Gril, there aint no dominican stylists in South Georgia!!!!!! I wish there were!!
naptrl said:
I missed all these other comments...
tryin2grow. This was a stylist I had for a looooong time.. That's why I was sooo upset. she's the one that got me to go natural!! I just couldn't believe how she acted!
That makes the situation even more upsetting. You had clearly trusted her for a while, what go into her, I wonder?
Why do so many naturals press instead of blow drying? I think I asked this before and didn't get many responses...seems like burning your hair is much more damaging!

Glad your hair is bouncing back! :)
Your hair is still beautiful as always. I'm sorry that you had to go through that! OWWWW! Those stove things are so hot. I hope you never have to go through that again!:mad:
Hey naptrl-
I have decided to never press my hair again;however, I will blow dry every three months, just to see the length. As far as straightening my hair- well, I will start doing that, with a ceramic iron once a year. That's enough IMO.
My sister's hair is completely natural and she has been pressing her hair for about 2 years now. Honestly her hair is straighter now then it was before and her texture is similar to mine.

As far as blowdrying, my hair does not get as straight if I blowdry and flatiron. If it is pressed, it seems like it takes less heat for my hair to get straight but that is just me.
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I don't know what got into that hair dresser! I'm not gonna use any more heat for a while (I haven't since then anyway!). When I get ready to have straight hair again, I'll blow it out myself and press it with a ceramic iron. By the way, she tried to call me last night!!!! I didn't answer the phone!!
naptrl said:
I don't know what got into that hair dresser! I'm not gonna use any more heat for a while (I haven't since then anyway!). When I get ready to have straight hair again, I'll blow it out myself and press it with a ceramic iron. By the way, she tried to call me last night!!!! I didn't answer the phone!!

Revenge is sweet! :lachen:
What she calling for? A second chance?
Probably wondering if I want to come get my hair done!! NOOOO! Also, I was her personal trainer, so while she got this awesome new body, I got this messed up hair!! I didn't say, "Oh, people's bones just break when I train them, it just happens" Like she said People's hair straightens out!!! UUGGHHH!!!