

New Member
Since I stopped using mtg mt neck iz healing from the bad rash. well I hv been just using a eo mx on my hair n it feels so good. My hair is healthy silky and soft. I also picked up some smooth shine therapy silk infusion from the dollar store. it iz suppose to repair rot n end it has silk amino n pearl extracts plus more my questions is it is getting cold here n moisturizer weighs my hair down but oil doesn't. I don't want to us a moisturizer. I f wash or cowash often should that b eough moistuer
It just depends on your hair co-washing does help with moisture but you might not want to do it every night depending on the weather have you though about a really light moisturizer like the MIzani H20 Nighttime treatment?
I am using my pda my computer crashed sorry about the shortning.
Kat hey hws it going. I have tried mazani but did not really like it. My hair is very fine and almost anything weighs it down. The eo mix of oils is the only thing that my hair doesn't just get heavy n look oily or greasy. I currently use mango butter.
You can lightly spray your hair with water and seal it in with an oil :yep:
Hey KrimsonKween!!
I agree with Tiffers I tried this the other week with castor oil and water and when I woke up the next morning my hair was butter soft.. I gotta get some more castor oil.

Mango butter always made my hair weighed down but I could use the mizani stuff but if your oil works just add a little water and you should be good to go. :-)