Comparison Pics


Well-Known Member
The first pic was taken February 13, 2009. I have been applying MN/MT-cowashing every other day- and bunning like a mad woman to achieve my goal of APL by the end of this month. Based on these pics do you think I will make it or should I set a new goal????

There are more pics in my album-May 2009
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It's kind of hard to tell since the pic is on an angle. It looks like you have an inch or so before you get APL.

The answer will truly depend on your growth rate.
You might have to set a new goal- but honestly who cares cause you are making great progress- even if you dont make it by June you will be there STAT. Isn't moisture amazing? Hands down the best thing I ever did for my hair. What do you cowash with?
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You might have to set a new goal- but honestly who cares cause you are making great progress- even if you dont make it by June you will be there STAT. Isn't moisture amazing? Hands down the best thing I ever did for my hair. What do you cowash with?

I am co-washing with cheapie conditioner -Suave (aloe and water lily)
Your hair is lookin' good! Don't know how fast your hair grows, but you sure look you just might make it!
your hair looks fabulous.. but I do think you should set a new goal. You are very close to APL though.. i think your new goal date should be set for like June 09 give your self one more month and you will be good .. ofcourse depends on your growth rate