
Well-Known Member
I finally got my exstensions done!!! on Thursday
I'm so happy I don't have to worry about my hair for at least 2 months.
I'm back on MSM, FLAXSEED OIL AND PROTEIN for good. Hopefully, i'll have good news to report back on my growth in February. i jope you like em.

Lmao, I thought you were talking about your hair. I need to do something with my hair because I, like you don't want to bother with it right now, besides I retain length better when I don't touch it/it's hidden away. I think I might be stretching longer than I intended because a sister is broke. I think I need to do like you and go and get me a weave (I can't do braids anymore :( )
Your hair looks great. I remember having braids like that and my hair thrived... after I took my braids out, my hair was still super-strong and moisturized! I can't wait to see your results in a couple of months. keep us posted!
Denise, they look great, how long did it take? Your own hair looks very lovely indeed. Keep up the good work!
I haven't looked at the pictures as yet; just wanted to say - WELCOME BACK! This is the hair energy I knew you had when I first came on this board and it is so great to see it coming back again!! I wish your scalp continued healing so you never have to experience what you did recently.

den1 said:
I finally got my exstensions done!!! on Thursday
I'm so happy I don't have to worry about my hair for at least 2 months.
I'm back on MSM, FLAXSEED OIL AND PROTEIN for good. Hopefully, i'll have good news to report back on my growth in February. i jope you like em.

LOL hah ha ha, I had you all, going there!!! it'll be a long time before i press my hair again.

Millah03: I'd say strecth your touch-up a little longer and go for the weave.
tishee: Thanks
CAPlush: No more worries!! I feel free
Hopful: thanks i like the colour too, next time i'll try burgundy
Pradagirl: Thanks my sisters mate, also said they suit me. she was asking why i put them in when i already have long hair. But i need a change and the weather in England is no joke.
Anky: I'll keep you posted on my results
angellazette: Aww i'd love to see your twists
Valerie: My hairdresser took 5 hours to put them in, she braided the ends and sealed them in hot water to obtain the curls on the ends.
ivanay: Thank-you i'm feeling a little better. My scalp is healing due to Sullfur oil mix, i apply to my scalp. it makes my hair much softer too.
Carlie, Sweet_Ambrosia and sassygoddess: thanks to everyone
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Den, your hair looks great! I really like how the color blends too! Very nice indeed, I just did my almost waistlength twists, I'll be keeping them for 2 months too...I will be doing a mini album update in a few days. Thanks for sharing!:)
These braids look great! You look so happy in your pics Den! I'm glad to see you in better spirits :D

Angellazette- Your twists are so cute :)!
angellazette: Your twists are pretty, how long did it take your cousdinn, She did a wonderful job.
dlewis: Thanks girl
Lovelylocs: The brand I take is Holland and Barratt Liqiud Amino Acids
Alli77: I can't wait to see the pics.
nfynit_812: Thanks
ThursdayGirl : I'm feeling better!! Thank God

Thanks again ladies!!!!!!
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Your braids look wonderful! I feel the need to follow suit. I just don't have the patience. I need to though. Minnesota winters are brutal.
good2uuuu said:
Your braids look wonderful! I feel the need to follow suit. I just don't have the patience. I need to though. Minnesota winters are brutal.
good2uuuu, go for it girl. You'll love it. It saves a lot of breakage too.
Hi Den,,

Nice braids. I'm curious though. What made you decide to put extensions in your hair rather than just braiding your own hair? Do you get better retention or growth following the C&G methods with extensions versus your own hair?
5 hrs..thats not bad at all!! they came out great! i love this style too..i will be braiding mines up similar next month..its a great style for protection...