Combing your often?!?!


New Member
I have been natural for almost a month and haven't combed my hair yet. :perplexed I detangle in the shower with my hands but haven't run a comb through it, mostly because I couldn't find one but today I brought one so that I can use it while applying my henna. Its wide tooth so hopefully it won't do that much damage....

Just out of curiosity, how often do you comb your hair, if ever??
About 1 time a week, when I wash and DC. I cowash my hair everyday but I dont comb it. I know I usually have a lot of tangles so I braid my hair into 5-6 braids when I wash and DC and I comb my hair out after I wash out my dc while it is soaking wet.
I feel like I am neglecting my hair because I am not combing but I don't feel any tangles or nothing and when I co-wash, no knotting or anything....I just don't want to neglect my hair
This month I am only limiting the times I comb my hair to twice a week which will be the days that I wash my hair. So far so good
I can't deal with not combing my hair. I'll comb it in the morning and at night when i moisture and tie it up b4 bed.
i'm natural also and i find if i don't comb my hair it tangls and knots. i comb my hair after i wash which is twice a week. and i run my fingers thru it during the week. not detangling or combing is a no no for me
Let's c if i dont go no where that day it stays tied up and not touched....but when i do go's jus in the moring and nightw/wide tooth comb.

4a Relaxed
currently: almost apl (thin)
1st goal: Full apl 11/07
Ult.Goal: WL ( thick and happy!)
I don't comb until wash day, so I comb once a week. i just run my fingers through my hair and detangle with my fingers if I have any knots.
I just felt that since my hair was so short what was the point!??! However, today I applied my DC and combed my hair. It felt great and it actually stretched out my I will probably be combing my DC thru my hair from now on
I comb my hair about every third time I co-wash. The rest of the time I detangle in the shower with my fingers.
When I do a braidout which is pretty much most of the time, I don't comb for a few days. Otherwise I comb when moisturizing or wrapping.
I comb mine almost daily. Last weekend I didn't comb for three days. I would CW and then put it in a messy bun. I had a lot of matting Monday morning. Same thing this weekend. So now I know I need to comb more.
Every day. Sometimes every other day. Waiting 3 days is risky. More than that is a disaster. I always detangle with conditioner and under the shower spray and I use a seamless comb.

If I went a month without combing my hair...:nono:. It would be FULL of tangles and knots and getting them all out would = damage. I used to go a long time without combing back in the day and it always meant a horrific comb out session. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

I think when my hair was shorter, like just after my b/c, I might have been able to get away with this, though I never tried. If you can go long periods of time without combing, then by all means go for it. I wish I could.
Once a day, especially when I have a lot of new growth. My hair gets matted and tangled pretty easy if I go too long without combing.
I comb my hair twice a week on wash days. The rest of the week I usually finger comb to keep my hair from knotting up. I used to only comb once a week but my hair was knotting up and matting so much that I had to start doing it this way.