Combing While Wet VS. Combing While Dry


Well-Known Member
Okay, so this thread is to see what kind of hair is prone to breakage during combing while dry, or breakage while wet. Some of prefer to comb the hair while its wet/damp or whatever, but some of us, like my self, have hair that seems very weak when wet, so I've learned that it's best to comb when dry, which is when my hair is at its strongest.

So, can we come up with why some of our hair does this, besides the fact that everyone's hair is different. What is the reason behind this? Which types of hair does better with dry combing and which types of hair does better with combing while wet? Anyone?:spinning:

ETA: I've done a search, but I couldn't quite find what I was looking for.
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I prefer to comb my hair when it's damp or wet. I always hear "snaps" when try to comb it when it's dry.
Amazing phone home :lachen:

OK, on a serious note, when you say dry, does that mean void of products or do oils and other slippery products play a role? Coz I know for me, my hair shrinks into compact springs that interlock when allowed to dry. This makes combing hard, and there is bound to be more friction if my hair is dry. Moisture not only adds slip but also makes my hair more pliable--for want of a better word. My hair is weak, regardless, and so handling it in the way that causes the least friction seems to work for me. The weight of moisture makes my coils "relax" so there's less interlocking, and hence more ease of a comb gliding through.
I was thinking about this too. When I comb mine when it's wet, I hear snapping and get a lot of breakage. I think this this is because my wet hair shrinks up into "O" shapes. And if you try to drag a comb through an "O" rather than a "S" or a "Z" shape... it's more likely to break.

I have to stretch mine and apply a product, then I can use a comb. :ohwell:
When dry combing I have to spritz it with water at the least so that i don't get breakage from that. I can fingercomb dry with no problems but I try to keep that at a minimum cause I still get snags if I'm not careful. I usually comb when washing out my conditioner though. When dry I spritz a small section with water then fingercomb following up with a traditional comb.
I prefer to comb my hair when it's damp or wet. I always hear "snaps" when try to comb it when it's dry.

Me too. I try to comb as little as possible anyway, hence I'm always in a protective style (faux bun or updo secured with Good Days Hair Pins)
The only time I comb my hair when it's wet is when I have conditioner in it. I don't mind coming my hair when dry as long as it's in a good state, I don't have breakage.

I think it has something to do with the thickness of the hair. My mom has really fine hair and has to use a thin tooth comb to blow dry her hair if not the hair does not come out straight. Then you have the people that only use really wide tooth combs, these people have thick strands of hair that will break if a small tooth comb even comes close to it. And then you have me. Not to thin, definitely not thick (I WISH). I can get away with using a small to comb for detangling a a large tooth comb for styling.
If my hair is straightened, then I'll be better off combing dry.

But when doing airdryed styles, my hair prefers to be combed damp. Not wet.
Amazing phone home :lachen:

OK, on a serious note, when you say dry, does that mean void of products or do oils and other slippery products play a role? Coz I know for me, my hair shrinks into compact springs that interlock when allowed to dry. This makes combing hard, and there is bound to be more friction if my hair is dry. Moisture not only adds slip but also makes my hair more pliable--for want of a better word. My hair is weak, regardless, and so handling it in the way that causes the least friction seems to work for me. The weight of moisture makes my coils "relax" so there's less interlocking, and hence more ease of a comb gliding through.

:lol: nonie, u are silly.. but dry can mean having products on it, but not wet, like in your case, you said yours when dry causes more friction.

:lachen: Nonie, you gonna stop teasin me..
i can comb my hair dry as long as it is well moisturized (which is how i try to keep my hair anyway) but it is a very slow going process that way. i get it done much easier when it is wet.
When I wore my hair natural....wet combing was the way to go, but now that I am relaxed, combing dry is definitely less stressful on my hair.
I usually comb wet, but I think except for immediately following rinsing my hair, I always wear a leave in and seal with oil, so there's always something in my hair. I am deep into bun-land - it's my protective style for another couple of years.
i think wet combing is more suitable for natural hair and dry combing for relaxed hair just my opinion but im almost 6months post relaxer cuz im transitioning and my roots comb easier when wet but my relaxed ends fare out better when they're dry i just detangle with the shower head and leave it at that or else ill go crazy with both textures hope that helps.
I'm so glad you started this thread. I have been so confused about how everyone seems to detangle in the shower with conditioner. This scares me to death. I don't even like detangling wet when I'm out of the shower because the hair is so much weaker when wet. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I wait until my hair is about 50 percent dry with my leave-ins in and then I detangle. If I condition well enough, I can detangle when almost dry without breakage. I lose less hair when I wait for my hair to dry some before detangling.
I prefer to comb my hair while wet. However, I recently discovered that I have no problems combing my hair when it is dry. So it just depends on your hair and how you handle it.
I'm fine combing my hair when wet ONLY while I am rinsing out my deep conditioner. I also comb my damp hair after applying my leave in even when over 4 months post, my leave in is VERY detangling. And it's okay for me to comb my hair when dry too...

I think it's all about my hair being well moisturised cos I've had times when my hair has been too dry and no matter when I comb it, I hear it snapping off.
Thanks ladies this post explains alot. I'm 12 months post and when my hair is wet, my roots are like butter to comb but the ends knot up and break. When dry I can't get a comb through my roots but my ends don't break.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna go ahead and get those ends knocked off and just do one texture.
Thanks ladies this post explains alot. I'm 12 months post and when my hair is wet, my roots are like butter to comb but the ends knot up and break. When dry I can't get a comb through my roots but my ends don't break.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna go ahead and get those ends knocked off and just do one texture.

Yeah, I'm glad we can get some kind of "answer" for this thing. I thought for a second that my hair was horrible, since i couldn't do like a lot of people which was comb while wet... but it turns out that most of them are probably naturals.