Combing wet hair with a rat tail comb


New Member
When I went to the Domincan salon, she comb my wet hair with a rat tail comb to do the rollerset. From my understanding this can cause breakage right? Do you ladies bring your own combs?
I think this depends on how fine a person's hair is and if all the tangles are out. It would not work on my kinky natural hair. It would definitely thin my hair out.
this happened to me this weekend. she ripped thru my hair with her tiny comb. she ripped so much hair out. my hair is so much thinner after that visit. be careful. i have 4b hair and will not go back, cause they cannot handle this. i am not willing to go back to lose what i have worked hard for. ;)
LadyEsquire said:
this happened to me this weekend. she ripped thru my hair with her tiny comb. she ripped so much hair out. my hair is so much thinner after that visit. be careful. i have 4b hair and will not go back, cause they cannot handle this. i am not willing to go back to lose what i have worked hard for. ;)

This is what happened to me. After she finished, the comb was full of my hair. My hair feels thin. Between washing my own hair and going to the salon, I 'm not sure what's worse. When I go back, I am bringing my own comb.
When I rollerset, I comb my hair with a rattail comb in small sections. I have to make sure all the tangles are out unless my hair doesn't come out straight. But I also go slow and take my time. Maybe you should have told her to slow down.

But I can't use widetooth combs all the time. The smaller tangles begin to build and my hair begins to matt. No can do. Those tangles has to GO!
LocksOfLuV said:
When I rollerset, I comb my hair with a rattail comb in small sections. I have to make sure all the tangles are out unless my hair doesn't come out straight. But I also go slow and take my time. Maybe you should have told her to slow down.

But I can't use widetooth combs all the time. The smaller tangles begin to build and my hair begins to matt. No can do. Those tangles has to GO!

This is why the salons probably do it also. I will ask her to slow down and I watch what she is doing.
I use a rattail comb for my rollersets. I detangle with a large seamless comb each piece of hair. Then I carefully comb thru with my rattail comb to remove all tangles right before putting the roller in. This way I'm not pulling out or losing any hair. In the long run, I'm sure this avoids the hair from matting especially when you are stretching.
:( yes it can. I dont know why stylists insist on doing that to peoples hair. I had a lady rip through my head with a rat tooth comb retouching my hair.
janeemat said:
I use a rattail comb for my rollersets. I detangle with a large seamless comb each piece of hair. Then I carefully comb thru with my rattail comb to remove all tangles right before putting the roller in. This way I'm not pulling out or losing any hair. In the long run, I'm sure this avoids the hair from matting especially when you are stretching.

This is exactly what I do, too. I detangle with a very wide tooth comb, then go over with a smaller comb, and finally use a rattail on the very ends before smoothing onto the roller. I would never use a rattail on hair that had not been previously detangled.
LocksOfLuV said:
But I can't use widetooth combs all the time. The smaller tangles begin to build and my hair begins to matt. No can do. Those tangles has to GO!

you bring up a great point. in fact, this answers a lot of my hair woes.
The same exact thing happened to me, I was getting a wash and wrap and she used a rat tail comb and detangled from the roots to the ends instead of detangling the ends first. She was also ruff and I could hear my hair snapping while she was combing it. If I decide to go back I will bring my own wide tooth comb and detangle my own hair.
janeemat said:
I use a rattail comb for my rollersets. I detangle with a large seamless comb each piece of hair. Then I carefully comb thru with my rattail comb to remove all tangles right before putting the roller in. This way I'm not pulling out or losing any hair. In the long run, I'm sure this avoids the hair from matting especially when you are stretching.

I do the same thing
Ineedhair said:
She started from the root and worked her way down.

Oh no! I would have told her to stop. If she was going to use that little comb (I use one that small too when sectioning my hair) she should have combed through first with a big comb (starting at the bottom). Then she could have used the rattail but started from the bottom and worked her way up. No wonder you had hair come out. Next time if the person goes for the root tell them to stop and show them how.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Oh no! I would have told her to stop. If she was going to use that little comb (I use one that small too when sectioning my hair) she should have combed through first with a big comb (starting at the bottom). Then she could have used the rattail but started from the bottom and worked her way up. No wonder you had hair come out. Next time if the person goes for the root tell them to stop and show them how.

I will now...I am going to watch them like a hawk. If my rollersets and braidouts didn't make me look like Lion-O from the Thundercats, I would continue to wash my own hair.
Ineedhair said:
She started from the root and worked her way down.

That is how they do...I sat and watched in horror as this girl was getting a rollerset and the chick was just raking through her hair like she was raking leaves. She lost so much hair. I even took a pic of the hair on the floor cause I just could not believe it. The upside to it was the girl getting the roller set had a beautiful thick head of hair and probably wouldn't miss the hair she lost but that is not the point.
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I would have ripped that comb out of her hand so fast she wouldn't have seen it coming. I do not play when it comes to my hair or body.
marie170 said:
That is how they do...I sat and watched in horror as this girl was getting a rollerset and the chick was just raking through her hair like she was raking leaves. She lost so much hair. I even took a pic of the hair on the floor cause I just could not believe it. The upside to it was the girl getting the roller set had a beautiful thick head of hair and probably wouldn't miss the hair she lost but that is not the point.

The same thing happened to me so I've stopped going to salons my last blowout was 8 months ago. Although my hair is fully relaxed it's pretty curly when wet and the lady at the salon was just ripping it out with a fine tooth comb. I use one at home but I use so much caution and I work my way from the bottom up. I also have really thick hair so it didn't see much of a difference but it just bothered me. Then she had the nerve to tell me "look how much hair came out your hair is breaking a lot" well duh you ripped it out:confused: . From now when I want straight hair I have my mom rollerset it and flat iron it because she's more gentile with my hair and I can't do a good rollerset to save my life:lol: .
Kari107 said:
The same thing happened to me so I've stopped going to salons my last blowout was 8 months ago. Although my hair is fully relaxed it's pretty curly when wet and the lady at the salon was just ripping it out with a fine tooth comb. I use one at home but I use so much caution and I work my way from the bottom up. I also have really thick hair so it didn't see much of a difference but it just bothered me. Then she had the nerve to tell me "look how much hair came out your hair is breaking a lot" well duh you ripped it out:confused: . From now when I want straight hair I have my mom rollerset it and flat iron it because she's more gentile with my hair and I can't do a good rollerset to save my life:lol: .

wow that is crazy that she claimed your hair was somehow mysteriously breaking:lol: ..I am done with blowouts too. My stylist was actually gentle with the rat tail but the heat caused too much breakage. I use a rat tail when I do my home rollersets but you can best believe my hair is already pretty much tangle free before I use it.
The shampoo girl did to me a few years ago. I barely had hair left on my head. Don't let me catch that ***** out in the street.