Combing through new growth


New Member
For those of you who stretch out your relaxers, do you even attempt to comb through your new growth when it's dry? I use my fingers to detangle it, but since it sometimes doesnt stay smooth after handling it wet and i dont wanna use too much sta sof fro cause it's sticky.
Try spraying Pantene detangling leave in on the parts that are difficult to comb. It works wonders
Im 10 weeks post relaxer and its a pain for me to comb the middle/back portion of my hair. I part and spritz a little bit and the comb glides through easily.
I have found that even using a children's detangler will help with combing through natural hair. But, I never comb through my hair while it's dry...most of the time I use a little of my conditioning braid sheen on it before combing.
I can only comb through while it is soaking wet. I cannot even attempt to comb when it is dry. (Especially now since I have 2 inches of new growth!)
When I get to the point that combing my new growth is difficult I only comb in the shower, under running water, after conditioning. I use Pantene detangling, leave in and then part and moisturize. I wear mostly braid outs at this point so when I braid I make sure to tie a silk scarf on my hair so my edges stay smooth.
ahhahahhahahaa I am laughing so hard right now because I don't even attempt to comb my hair while it is dry!

I usually co-wash daily. I may or may not comb my hair back in the shower with the Jilbere comb, using the water to help me style my hair in the infamous bun (thanks Allandra). I never use a rattail comb; If I want to do a rollerset, I use a medium sized comb during rollersetting. combing through my new growth is a no-no
in addition, I never use a brush. BTW: sassygirl125 and adrienne0914 gave me some great tips on flattening my edges for my bun. thanks ladies.
Thanks ladies. I have definitely gotten some excellent advice from this thread! I just relaxed after 14 weeks! I had so much new growth that combing my hair was sheer torture!
Hi ladies, I have about 3.5 inches of new growth and last night I styled it while it was dry fairly easily. I used a natural boar bristle brush with black and blonde hairs. I really worked, I brushed it gentle and it help remove the tangles and make working with different textures easier for me. BTW I had considerable less breakage with this than I did with using a comb.
I don't comb when dry. I moisturize my new growth with world of curls, massage in, lightly comb the relaxed into place and leave alone. I only comb in the shower with a wide tooth comb and conditioner.
I don't comb my new growth at all, and I only detangle the rest when it is wet and has Infusium 23 leave-in sprayed on it.
I never, ever, ever comb through my hair while it's dry. Especially, with three inches of new growth. Using surge and pantene detangling spray at the same time has helped tremendously while the hair is still wet. Good luck!