Color Correctionist Help Needed



Many of the Detroit ladies know about my highlight/streak horror story. Surprisingly enough, I loved the look of the original streaks and would like to try it again, but this time I want to go to an EXPERT!

I am wondering if any of the Detroit ladies know of any real color specialists who can evaluate my hair and the color damaged areas and determine if I can get streaks again and capable of doing it when my hair is ready.

I really want to try it again now - it's been over 1 year, but I definitely want to seek a TRUE color professional's opinion and services.

Let me know if you recommend someone that is a color correctionist, etc.

Thank you!
I'm a licensed will probably need to go a high end salon to find a color expert..and chances are that person will probably be white...I have been in this business for over 14 years...and folks don't tend to be color experts simply because we as black people don't color as often as white all boils down to experience....I would let a white stylist color my hair..but dont expect for them to be able to style it...I have worked in predominately white salons for years...they do color more(especially highlites) so they tend to have deeper may be able to find a sista to do it..but it will take some investigation on your part..and this is in no way a slam against balck stylist...this is just something I have observed over the years and in continuing education classes....