Coconut, olive, & avocado oils moisturize?


Well-Known Member
According to 2 articles at, some oils penetrate the hair shaft. :scratchch

The article at this link says that "straight chain glycerides like olive oil easily penetrate into the hair. Olive and Avocado oils penetrate all the way into the hair shaft".

This one says that "coconut oil (which is essentially the same as palm oil) will filter deep into the cortex because it is so similar to hair's natural lipids".

I don't believe everything I read, but they gave pretty good explanations about why certain oils can penetrate the hair.
Maybe these articles are right and some oils actually do moisturize? :confused:
My hair likes coconut and avocado even tho I'm allergic to avocados :ohwell: They don't moisturize my hair tho. It feels conditioned a bit but not moist.
Penetration to the cortical layers? :look: Maybe in individuals with extremely porous or damaged hair? :ohwell: I've seen info like this but the story always varies from article to article. It’s like one minute jojoba penetrates to the core and then the next minute in someone else's research it doesn’t, and it’s the same story for other oils. :look: And it's just interesting that the labs that do this research are always tied to some particular hair company with a product at stake. :rolleyes:

The second article even says here, “ . . . natural oils in your hair help make it flexible and waterproof.” So how are oils waterproofing the hair if they are inside the cortex? And how are oils providing a moisture benefit if they are ‘waterproofing’ the hair? :nono:

Penetration is not really the issue here, though. It's Moisture. An oil's ability to simply penetrate a few layers of the hair shaft does not suddenly give it the ability to moisturize. Relaxers and bleach penetrate the hair shaft too, but I'm sure no one will argue that they provide a moisture benefit. Simply getting in does not mean any moisturizing is going on. For getting moisture to the strand, you'd need to get the moisturizing product on FIRST. Our scalp produces sebum, but even this oil is produced as a protective barrier to keep the moisture inherent in the skin and hair from escaping off into the air-- not to actually give moisture.

Moisturization (hydration) is a characteristic of water. Oils are hydrophobic meaning they propel water chemically. It’s difficult to moisturize if you can't even bind yourself to water. Oils do soften, nourish, and increase the hair's pliability, but this is not "moisturizing." Maybe I'm being picky and its an issue with semantics-- but moisturizing is not really the proper word for the action of oils, IMO. I define moisturizing as "hydrating" so thats why I take this position. I just think it’s incorrect to use the word "moisture" or "moisturizing" to refer to anything other than water.

Penetration does not automatically equal moisturization.
Sistaslick, I'm glad you responded because I was wondering what you would think.

Sistaslick said:
Penetration is not really the issue here, though. It's Moisture. An oil's ability to simply penetrate a few layers of the hair shaft does not suddenly give it the ability to moisturize. Relaxers and bleach penetrate the hair shaft too, but I'm sure no one will argue that they provide a moisture benefit.
Ah, yes, that's true. :scratchch

Sistaslick said:
Oils do soften, nourish, and increase the hair's pliability, but this is not "moisturizing.".
Good point.

Sistaslick said:
Penetration does not automatically equal moisturization.
Ok thank you!
Sistaslick said:
Oh Lord I didn't realize how much I was typing :lol:
Sorry bout all that girl, guess I got a little excited there :lachen:
----------------Good to see you SistaSlick, I missed you, your hair is pretty as ever... Cute family too:)