Clarifying - Is it really necessary?


Hello My LHCF Sisters,

I greet you all in the love of healthy, growing hair! Lately I've been struggling with the decision if it is truly necessary to clarify if a regular shampoo will suffice. When I shampoo my hair is really squeaky clean, I'll follow up with a good conditioner/deep conditioner and have absolutely no problems at all. I don't necessarily have any product build up which I understand that's reason to clarify. But is it a "rule" that we should clarify, if so, how often?
I wanna know too! I rarely clarify unless I just took out some braids..but I dont know the rule of how often it should be done...
I clarify monthly bc I use SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many different products throughout the month. I do shampoo weekly with Aveda Damage Remedy (it's a great moisturizing shampoo btw!) but for all the MT, oils, wrap lotion, leave-in, frizz serum, bird doo doo, and everything else i throw in my hair, i think it's neccessary for me to do a real deap clean with a clarifying shampoo. I use Aveda Hair Detoxifier. It cleans, but does not leave my hair feeling stripped or dry...It's squeaky clean but with moisture (that's the best way i can describe it).... HTH
I don't clarify. Tried it only once when someone suggested baking soda. Hated it. I shampoo twice a week. Never have build up. Never have issues.

Perhaps I should also add, I'm not big on products either so no chance of build-up here.
Well in the beginning I didn't clarify like I do now, I actually still barely do it(haven't notice too much)......Is it a rule, I don't think so, but if you use many products on your scalp, then I think you should do it atleast ONCE a month....cuz I think clarifying shampoo is stronger than regular but I always follow up with a moisturizing sulfate free shampoo after I clarify. HTH!
Umm i only use Jojoba Oil OR Coconut Oil on my scalp so i don't find the need to clarifiy ofter (rarely ever) i just use my giovonni shampoo and im good. :), BUT i feel that if you put "heavy" products on your scalp (Butters,pomades, Greases ETC.) then you should clarify 1-2x a month.
I did not used to clarify and things were fine... :look:

After reading about it, I decided to try it and it seems the hair responds better, since its cleaner.:yep:-- or at least in my case.

So... i clarify every couple of days if not daily... (I wear wash n go curly as my main style)

bet yall wondering With such frequency, doesn't your hair feel stripped???

The answer is no... not for me.

Here is what i use for clarifying and it works very well for me: I use v05 Kiwi Lime Clarifying Shampoo and the Conditioner (which is lovely :drunk:, and provides lots of slip... but then, I follow up with the v05 Moisture Milk champagne kisses (plenty of slip again ladies:yep:) and let that sit, while I finish my shower... rinse and add some back in along with the rest of my products and go. hope that helps.
Yes, I Clarify and for Me it is Absolutely Necessary. Especially since I use Mega-Tek on a regular basis and I am also very heavy handed with Products.

I think of it as starting out with a Clean Slate. To me, the Product Absorbs better when My hair is Totally Free from Build Up.

It's part of My monthly rotation.:yep:
I clarify once a month. Your hair might not feel like it has product build-up, but clarify and you'll see a difference, your hair will "behave" better. I think that if you use anything containing oil, cones, grease or butters on your hair, you would benefit from clarifying once a month.
It's necessary for me. My fine hair will go limp at the slightest amount of buildup. I clarify monthly or as needed.
I bought a clarifying shampoo, but never used it. I shampoo once a week. I also get my hair cheleted when I get a relaxer. Im good.
i only clarify when i try to curl my hair and it goes limp on me ( about 2x / year) . otherwise i rarely clarify.