Change In Routine Caused Sudden Breakage?


Well-Known Member
Last Thursday I tried something different and deep conditioned on dry hair with Jessicurl WDT and JBCO I ususally do this on wet hair after I wash. I sat under the dryer with a towel on for 20 minutes. My hair was soft after, noticed more curl def. Then I washed with Elasta qp creme shampoo and followed up with detangling with a wash out condish which was curls coconut sublime condish. I noticed more little c shaped broken hairs when I detangled wet which I have not seen in 2 months, mind you that was the last time I used Lekair light protein. Could the deep condish on dry dirty hair caused the sudden breakage? I manipulated my dry hair today and no breakage as soon as I sprized with water and manipulated I got those tiny c's of broken hair (only 2) but still breakage. What do you ladies suggest? Protein? No more deep condish on dry dirty hair? Suggestions please.
How did your your hair feel?

I don't think conditioning "dry dirty" hair caused the breakage, but maybe you threw off your protein/moisture balance. You said your hair felt "soft,"....but did it feel too soft? maybe even a little mushy?
I don't think it has to do w/ the DC on dry hair. If that's the case then a pre-poo would cause breakage too. I think the rinse out conditioner you're using after you shampoo, might not provide enough "slip." Next time maybe try following up with a different rinse out conditioner and see if you have different results. HTH
Thank you for the replies. @classy chick the 2 broken hairs were from yesterday but after the washing and detangling process last Thursday there were maybe 10 or 11.@Esq2b I think your right the coconut sublime has slip but not that much compared to others I've used in the past I'll try jessicurl too shea next time that has got major slip.@ployesterdiva, my hair felt softer but not mushy. I have not used protein in 2 months maybe its time to bring out my Lekair this Thursday or Friday when I wash. The only time I experience little breakage since last Thursday is when i manipulate when wet.