CF Version: Are You Prejudiced, Christians?


New Member
In which way? Is it justified? What are we to do in the face of oppression?

Deuteronomy 10:17

For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.


How do we lift ourselves up in this oppressive world keen on discriminating against Black people? Do we follow their example or is there a higher way? Can you give pragmatic examples?
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We all have prejudices of where we want to live, which job or education we think is best...I guess I'm talking about racial or ethnic prejudice and being a believer.
We all have prejudices of where we want to live, which job or education we think is best...I guess I'm talking about racial or ethnic prejudice and being a believer.

Thanks for the clarity JB :love2:

I definitely have much prejudice regarding where I live, shop, socialize and even worship, and until you answered my question, I've always regarded these as a preference, but I can see where the prejudice lies... a lot. :yep:

I'm not prejudice about race, but I am prejudice about treatment from whomever/wherever. (Hope that makes sense). I expect 'respect' and nothing less from anyone no matter who/whom they are (color, race, gender, etc.).

I pray that I have no prejudice against another Christian, although I may share a difference of thought or interpretation of scripture, I pray that it is only that as a difference and not a prejudice.

In other words, I would honor to worship with my Catholic Sisters/Brothers, Seventh Day Adventists, Pentacostle, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Non-Denominatinal, etc, as our main focus is upon Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of our Souls.

However, any Church no matter what the denomination that advocates and defends sin (Unitarian / gay) I cannot abide, not due to prejudice but due to the FALLIBILITY of their teaching which is non Biblical.

So is that prejudice? If so, then prejudice I am. :nono: (not)
I think christians should not practice any racial prejudice. But we know that to place oneself back into the seat of honor that has been taken due to oppression is a tough one. But we cannot exercise the same level of hatred/ethnic/racial prejudice that others have exercised against us and call it justified. If we want our self-esteem to rise, we have to hold onto Jesus and He tells us that He takes no bribes, neither is He a respecter of any person (over another). The rise of the Black person cannot be steeped in racial prejudice of any kind if it is to be a true elevation. Doing what others have done against us only picks up the hatchet of hatred. We need to lay that hatchet down and find the truthful way.


Preference could definitely be sinful prejudice. Most preference isn't, though. Honoring G-d requires preference and determination. That racial kind of prejudice has no truth in it. It's pre-judging without knowing the inherent worth or recognizing it. I think we all know the inherent worth of all human beings, we're just refusing to honor it. No christian can willingly practice the mental illness of racial prejudice/bigotry.
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Thanks for posing the question... I try not to be! It's partiality and God is an impartial God. Something I strive for in this flesh. ugh.

I believe the key is to not act of the 'feeling' but do what the Spirit of God commands..because it's a clash and a constant one. God forgive me with my thoughts, and what I sometimes want to tell folks but choose not to. It takes God's love to hold back - white /black/ gay/ foolish / poor /rich, doesn't matter. Race isn't the only prejudice there is, so all others should apply. The Holy Spirit is an Equalizer. Great topic!

(hope I didn't go off tangent.. lol)
I had a discussion with my son early this morning about things like this. He's been under the gun lately. Guess it's just this place. But he told me about whites feeling that minorities will rise one day, take over and then they will suffer, deservedly. I was uneasy about that. Why would someone just assume that "we" want to do the same to them they have done to us? I don't want to be inhumane to another. Sometimes, you wish folks suffered but at the end of the day, we know Christ is King. We are all blessed with life in some degree. It's still that spark of life. So, I was insulted that guy who was trying to sound enlightened would assume that this is what minorities want. Then, isn't that the general fear pushing those with little conscience to be even more racist?

Humanity! Ach! We're lucky (blessed) G-d loves us, like, for realz. There is no other G-d but if there were, we'd have been obliterated eons ago, lending credence to there not being any G-d like our G-d.
JB I was thinking about your thread this morning while I was commuting. As I was leaving the train and heading for the escalator, I realized the thoughts that often go through my mind and they are quickly dismissed as I move onto other thoughts and prayers.

  1. I'm so happy that I do not live in the City. I love peace and quiet.
  2. I do not like crowds -- they move too slowly.
  3. Why is this person blocking my path so that I cannot walk past them? Just move!
  4. Why is this person cursing; it's very unbecoming ...Uggg! who's smoking?
  5. Ugggg! These sidewalks are dirty; I will not walk in that direction.

This is from the train to the sidewalk in all of 5 minutes. :lol:

Is this prejudice or me just being grumpy? :lol:
I think it's human nature for some for the powerful to abuse the powerless, regardless of color.

Also, depending on culture. I've noticed some cultures (groups of persons) are plain horrid and cruel without any remorse of it. They feel entitled to be that way.
JB I was thinking about your thread this morning while I was commuting. As I was leaving the train and heading for the escalator, I realized the thoughts that often go through my mind and they are quickly dismissed as I move onto other thoughts and prayers.

  1. I'm so happy that I do not live in the City. I love peace and quiet.
  2. I do not like crowds -- they move too slowly.
  3. Why is this person blocking my path so that I cannot walk past them? Just move!
  4. Why is this person cursing; it's very unbecoming ...Uggg! who's smoking?
  5. Ugggg! These sidewalks are dirty; I will not walk in that direction.

This is from the train to the sidewalk in all of 5 minutes. :lol:

Is this prejudice or me just being grumpy? :lol:

Hahaha, no, just human! :lol: I'm mainly talking about bigotry. But you know, the thing about calling a bigot a bigot, they now stand and resist it rather than feel ashamed and deflect it. It's like people who lived under these colonial systems aren't supposed to notice what has happened and what is continuing and if we do, then "we're" racists. :rolleyes: This is such a heavy topic, it can darken your day. :nono:
Hahaha, no, just human! :lol:

I'm mainly talking about bigotry. But you know, the thing about calling a bigot a bigot, they now stand and resist it rather than feel ashamed and deflect it. It's like people who lived under these colonial systems aren't supposed to notice what has happened and what is continuing and if we do, then "we're" racists. :rolleyes:

This is such a heavy topic, it can darken your day. :nono:

:lol: Thanks for the encouragement. Some days, I am uber human. :look:

But your right, about the deflections on the true meaning of bigotry in this 'deflective / defective' society that we live in today. I believe that the true bigots are projecting their bigotry by the taunts they throw as those who disagree with what they do.

Bottom Line: Morality is not Bigotry, a major difference and opinions cannot redefine it just to erase their conscious or to deflect conviction. :nono:
Amein! It's so hard for me not to "do no harm" and assert myself in my convictions that are supported and taught by our church. I think that too many of us aren't thinking about the serious implications of this "thing." Although I still believe it is the act that is the sin and not the disposition (but that we are taught it exists due to a serious and instrinsic flaw of sin entered the world), frankly, I can't watch even an HGTV show without the push every second danged episode. I thought tv shows were to be representative of the general public. You mean to tell me there are more of those unions than interracial ones, same-race ones? Like, every second one? That network is pushing it. Remember those push popsicles we used to get as kids...the orange creme kind you had to push with all your might just to get a bite? Like that.
I've always personally believed that TRULY "loving your enemies" is one of the hardest, if not hardest commandment Jesus ordered us to do. Commandments that deals with the heart, are the hardest to follow. A lot of times we don't like the whole "love your enemies" because oftentimes, "others" take advantage of that and oppress you even more. Its kind of how Africans in many parts of the world are horribly discriminated against yet some Africans welcome non-Africans into their land/countries with open arms and kindness. What good is that doing for people in Africa? Likewise, there are plenty of examples like that here in the United States. It seems like if those who are reactionary are criticized while those who are responsible for racism/bigotry in the first place get a pass.

I used to be very prejudice against non-blacks but I'm trying to change.

What's interesting is my favorite story in the Gospels, Jesus' encounter with the Canaanite woman, deals with this issue.
I've always personally believed that TRULY "loving your enemies" is one of the hardest, if not hardest commandment Jesus ordered us to do. Commandments that deals with the heart, are the hardest to follow.

A lot of times we don't like the whole "love your enemies" because oftentimes, "others" take advantage of that and oppress you even more.

Its kind of how Africans in many parts of the world are horribly discriminated against yet some Africans welcome non-Africans into their land/countries with open arms and kindness. What good is that doing for people in Africa?

Likewise, there are plenty of examples like that here in the United States. It seems like if those who are reactionary are criticized while those who are responsible for racism/bigotry in the first place get a pass.

I used to be very prejudice against non-blacks but I'm trying to change.

What's interesting is my favorite story in the Gospels, Jesus' encounter with the Canaanite woman, deals with this issue.

SimplyLive, thank you for being so open and honest and for coming back to share, as you promised. I really like your post :yep:

The bolded (above in your post) is so true. Thanks again and :welcome: to the Christian Forum. I hope that you will share with us more often.

I use to be prejudice against a certain religious group, to me it seems they were all about violence and I have many family members that were apart of this group it did not change my mind. However, in class i met someone, i was actually hoping she would not join our class but she did, she turned out to be so kind and so gently and so much fun and so giving and I love her, even when I said things offensive( I didn't mean to) I just really didn't know it was offense she just told me what it actually was without getting angry with me. I could clearly see where I was wrong. She was kind to strangers. I believe that God put her in my life to see where i was wrong in my thinking. I never did anything to this religious group I just avoided them and now I don't see them like i did before.
"Faith, hope and love...and the greatest of these is LOVE"

What a lovely, short interpretation and presentation of Corinthians 13.

"give me love enough to overlook the mistake of does not look down upon is looks for the best...keeps going to the end, no matter the obstacle, no matter the difficulty..."

Sometimes, you just need to hear things put into perspective and see that G-d see the injustice and that you were right to persevere but that you became hurt, you can move ahead, stand back up, get back on the red road. My people have been so battered by so many others, it's hard to look at outsiders with trust, without anger. This scripture is beautiful and is the L-rd telling us His standard. He's always right.
from Shoulder to Shoulder

So I'm gonna drag you down
Whilst you drag me down
And I'm gonna shout at you
Whilst you shout at me until we realize that real love is free free

If people only looked to the "free."