CF-To some of you, you will never ever know! (My Daughter)


New Member

How Hard I stood, what it really took to do it, what it really felt like, the pain, the horror , the sheer turmoil in my soul, the darkness , the tears , AND I could go on

of what I walked through with my daughter having PMDD, it still hurts, not in a way that I am holding on to the pain, just the memories of what we went through still just brings tears to my eyes, I hate that we went through something so hellish and we didnt even have to. I do believe all things work together- and for any that were around that fateful day on that in many ways hateful/fateful thread, when I had finally reached the end of my rope and called the police on my child and so many were confused and how everything got twisted and ugly, I blame myself for posting in the middle of a crises , without having all the answers, But GOD I just cannot thank enough those that believed my words/ heart and intentions to be true as her Mother and knew my love ran deep and I was in deep pain and knew WHY I did not want to give up on her-and supported me, prayed for me, reached out to me, lifted me up, encouraged me. MAN I JUST WANT TO SAY SOME OF YOU WERE ANGELS AND I MEAN THAT WITH ALL MY HEART!

I Just took that pic of her a day or so ago, Its been 8 months since God steering me in the direction of PMDD and taking her to the doctor and getting her on BC, we live in peace now, she never goes off the deep end on me anymore, she never disprespects me, She has not raged once, we dont live in destruction, I dont live in fear, She is so beautiful, I mean just so beautiful without the 'hormonal hellish raging' I swell up with tears at how wonderful my daughter is (ya'll just really dont know) I thank God I stood through it and fought with all my might to not lose her to whatever was going on, I came at it from ALL angles, She now has a deep deep appreciation for what I did for her and stood through, she has at times went through deep sorrow (I have too if the memories are jarred hard enough) now that she is herself again, when she has the memories and will be very apologetic , OR I will just see it in her actions when she overly tries to show her appreciation of having me as her Mother, She is totally forgiven, I mean it left my soul when God finally lead me to what it was-it was NOT HER-but the hormones. I thank God still every day, I mean its still so amazing , it was just that hellish to go through that I am still affected in the sense of deeep deep gratitude for how things worked out. We have been given a new life, and I thank God every day that we were safe through the 'rages' and I thank God we can have a relationship today thats healthy , whole, loving and beautiful!

but some of you will NEVER ever know how much you meant to me, reaching to me with support and LOVE! There is no way for me to express what that meant to me in that dark dark time and all the confusion as well as how others came at me. In the end it was here that I got the answers, lead by God, So although it was horrific, I truly did get the blessing and the victory, I truly DID get so very blessed from so many of you! You all know who you are!

I pray that for all that to reached out me, that whenever you are in a dark place and hurting anything close to how I was, that an Angel comes to hold you, lift you up , and encourage you and just love you through -like you did for me (for those that did)

I wanted you to see her today, with your own eyes, Here she is , She is who you were fighting for with me! Those of you that did! and OMG! I THANK YOU WITH EVERYTHING IN ME FOR ALL OF YOU THAT DID WHAT YOU DID!


I have to post this in CF as well-posted here for those that dont go there in case!
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Praise the Lord !
She is beautiful !
Good work, Mom !

Is. 49.13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. 49.14 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. 49.15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. 49.16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
Sometime it's hard to understand unless you have walked on the other person's shoes. I'm glad you and your daughter found peace.
Praise the Lord !
She is beautiful !
Good work, Mom !

Is. 49.13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. 49.14 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. 49.15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. 49.16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

girrrl!!!! no words!
Co-signing on this all the way.


Praise God for your Victory, Irresistable! Beautiful daughter. :yep:

Praise the Lord !
She is beautiful !
Good work, Mom !

Is. 49.13 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. 49.14 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. 49.15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. 49.16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
Laela, and Crown

you two ladies are just so amazing! I will never have the words for your love and support

and the others

you guys will just never know, its like I know God spoke to your hearts and the hearts of others, the love I got was a miracle, within days or less I had an answer from God, He knew how bad I was hurting, there are no words for that pain, nor words for what you guys did and what it meant to me

I wish there was a way to express it, but there just isnt!

you ladies are true testimony of God's amazing love how you guys poured into me and covered me with love!!!!!!!
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Very pretty lady she is just like you!

It is funny you posted this I will share this with you.

A lady from our church yesterday brought her two grown children up on stage!

This lady was a single mother in the 70's raising her children with no child-support!

I started weeping b/c she said through it all she kept on Praising God

This single mother at one time said

"God is a way maker"
"God is Faithful"
Claim God's Promises for your life and your child(ern)

Today her kids are in their early 30's with a successful family and careers and they are a God Loving and worshipping family.

The nights she did not know HOW they were going to make it "God Made a way for them".

I said if God can do that for her she can do that for us ! I just kept crying and praising God!
Very pretty lady she is just like you!

It is funny you posted this I will share this with you.

A lady from our church yesterday brought her two grown children up on stage!

This lady was a single mother in the 70's raising her children with no child-support!

I started weeping b/c she said through it all she kept on Praising God

This single mother at one time said

"God is a way maker"
"God is Faithful"
Claim God's Promises for your life and your child(ern)

Today her kids are in their early 30's with a successful family and careers and they are a God Loving and worshipping family.

The nights she did not know HOW they were going to make it "God Made a way for them".

I said if God can do that for her she can do that for us ! I just kept crying and praising God!
I spiraled so hard, I'm just going to be real, I am still trying to get back up, the terror at times was so horrific, I always break when I talk about this in minute detail-but sometimes I would be almost on the floor , crying out to her and God to make it stop, she could not stop it, she told me later she could not even hear me, I would be calling on the only name that would do something in the spirit realm, JESUS, over and over I would say it, she also said she never heard that, between her raging and during that same time finding out I had up and landed myself with a verbal abuser and that pain of being verbally lashed- , (I am also now free from that) I sometimes didnt even think I was going to survive the stress, I KNOW it was God that gave me the wisdom in those rages as to what to do, I KNOW it! I KNOW he kept us safe, I got so sick from all that stress, still today I AM not the same yet, my stress response in my body is not normal, I get sick, I cant relax my body at times at all, although there is no major stress in my life now, its like body is still back there

But I KNOW God will strengthen me. I know he will!

I dont know what I would have done ladies, and I mean this with all I AM, IF I DIDNT HAVE HIS NAME TO CALL ON DURING THOSE TIMES, knowing it would break through something in the spirit realm. It always worked, we always got through , I WILL NEVER forget the look in her eyes, glazing over and feeling so lost as to what was happening with her, I pray that I CAN just forget that look in her eyes that scared me so much, I had never seen nothing like it

I still need healing , in my body, and to heal over the 'memories' when they come, but healing is springing forth, in layers and more and more and more

I put all this out there , basically because I know the power of you ladies praying for me and I am so thankful that you do!

I still have battles, a fibroid tumor in my uterus have to have surgery soon

But that had to be one of the darkest/longest most awful storms I have ever ever been through. I could not believe how long it went on, ladies, we all broke through the spirit realm with our prayers once I posted here that day

Thank you for storming the gates of hell with me , just so I could get some relief and know we were going to be ok. She was going to be ok

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Wanted to add the the symptoms of PMDD here too

Copy and paste

PMDD symptoms begin sometime after the middle of a monthly cycle (after ovulation), usually get worse during the week before menses, and then usually disappear within a few days of the start of menses. The symptoms follow this pattern every month or almost every month.
Here are the symptoms that make up the diagnosis of PMDD. All of the symptoms do not need to be present, and they may vary from month to month. At least 5 are required to make the diagnosis, including at least one of the first four.*

  1. Very depressed mood, feeling hopeless
  2. Marked anxiety, tension, edginess
  3. Sudden mood shifts (crying easily, extreme sensitivity)
  4. Persistent, marked irritability, anger, increased conflicts
  5. Loss of interest in usual activities (work, school, socializing, etc.)
  6. Difficulty concentrating and staying focused
  7. Fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy
  8. Marked appetite change, overeating, food cravings
  9. Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) or sleeping too much
  10. Feeling out of control or overwhelmed
  11. Physical symptoms such as weight gain, bloating, breast tenderness or swelling, headache, and muscle or joint aches and pains
*Adapted from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, 2000, with permission from the American Psychiatric Association
PMDD symptoms are not always present. Symptoms disappear during or by the end of menses, and return at about the same time during following cycles. If symptoms are present every day, then they are unlikely to be due to PMDD.
To be considered PMDD, symptoms must be severe enough to really disrupt a woman's life -- interfere with work, school, social activities or interpersonal relationships.

She had every single one of those symptoms!!!
thats half your life!!!!!!!!!!!! basically!!!!

copied from
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Ladies I want her to have the total victory over this and total healing

I still very much hate that she has this and worry about her living with this and taking BC

please keep praying


I still hurt very much that she has to live with this and I want her free from it. I KNOW God is able!
So glad you and your daughter are doing well. This is a spectacular group of praying women here who helped me with my trials with my newborn daughter. God bless you and good to see you--I posted a thread a while ago looking for you.
So glad you and your daughter are doing well. This is a spectacular group of praying women here who helped me with my trials with my newborn daughter. God bless you and good to see you--I posted a thread a while ago looking for you.
Hey Christelyn awww wow really?

that means alot, I didnt follow everything with you and your baby but I did see some posts when you first had her, she is very precious and indeed a miracle :kiss:

God bless you too sweetie and your family!

same for me, I dont know what I would have done without some of the ladies here! Some very wonderful beautiful loving ladies here:yep:

Angels indeed in our time of need
Irrisistible..I don't know if you saw this thread posted by blqlady, but it's an encouraging one, if you get the chance to read it:
I'm really glad you put this here

Thank you girl :kiss:

I have a question I have received miraculous healings and she has witnessed them herself , all I know to do is minister to her about healing, but can a person stand in the gap for another's faith for healing?

Because right now she is not trying to deal with all that, and just like in that writing , I know all too well how the enemy gets busy , when you are walking out your healing, and since what we went through was so destructive and not just a sickness , we cant just take her off BC, she has to be ready to stand and fight this spiritually herself, I cant do that for her. I have ministered to her about this-I guess all i know is to keep doing it

I need some of that myself anyway:yep:
i'm very happy for you and your daughter.
forgiveness and a repaired relationship are priceless. as some one who was diagnosed with PMDD & can relate, i hope all the best for both of you.
I am so glad that everything has 'turned around.' Praise God!! God is truly awesome. Your testimony is bound to help someone else.

Yes, your daughter is very beautiful.
i'm very happy for you and your daughter.
forgiveness and a repaired relationship are priceless. as some one who was diagnosed with PMDD & can relate, i hope all the best for both of you.
wanted to say its really good to hear from others with this , that understand how severe it is and that is much much more than just 'mood swings' and understands the destruction and pain:yep: