Ceramic Irons


New Member
Hi ladies--
I've been natural for 3+ years & rarely press my hair. However, I recently bought the Jilbere Ceramic Flat Iron at Sally's & LOVED IT. It works so much better than my old gold-plated iron. Anyway, I also noticed Sally's carries the ceramic curling irons. Has anyone used any of these? I'm thinking I might like to buy one & replace my gold-plated curling iron as well. Any info would be appreciated!
I use a ceramic curling iron and I LOVE IT!!! My hair get's a nice curl, I can adjust the heat temp, and it gives a nice sheen to the hair. I suggest you get one, esp. if you like your ceramic flat iron!
I just bought the exact same curling iron at Sally's and I LOVE IT too!!! I threw away my old gold & hot --- which is gold and not! I love the sheen I get. I also bought a ceramic dryer, which I'll use when I have to blowdry.
Thanks for the responses. I'll go back to Sally's tomorrow & buy the curling iron then.

What does the ceramic dryer do that a regular dryer doesn't?
i have the jilbere ceramic flat iron too and i love it, i also purchased it to replace a regular gold flat iron i had and the difference is night and day. You wont go wrong as far as the price goes too, i paid 39.00 for the 2 1/4 inch.
I returned the Jibere mini flat iron b/c it didnt get hot enough to straighten my newgrowth. I suspect that the more expensive ones work better at this...I'm really attracted to the Rusk mini flat iron...
I have a Chi Turbo 2" Ceramic and I love it. This is one of the more exspensive flat irons, but it was worth every penny. I also have a Revlon 3/4" that I got at Walmart on clearance for 5.00 that I use for my hairline...it works well but pales in comparison to my Chi.