Caught in the act!...I think! (long)


New Member
Today when I was at my internship, I had to use my coworker's desk because my boss just hired someone who now has my old desk. Well, my coworker, who comes in later on Fridays because she's out on assignment, came in so I had to give her her desk, so I exited out of everything I was working on (and some things that I wasn't) and left when she came in. After about 10 minutes, I hear my coworker call my name, but I was working on something at the moment that I couldn't get away from so I asked her to hold on. About 5 minutes later, I make my way back to her desk and two of my other female coworkers are standing over her. I ask her what she wanted and all three of them looked up at me with blank expressions on their faces. The woman who's desk I took looks up after a few seconds and says, "I just wanted to ask if you were done looking at the forum you were on." The other two just smiled at me and I blushed and told them I was done. Then they continued looking at the computer screen. I believe they were looking on LHCF at the "Haters" thread, which is what I realized I left the page on! Honestly, I was a bit shocked and embarrassed! I don't want my coworkers jumping to conclusions about my LHCF sisters if they don't know the whole story! I mean, I don't know if they jumped to conclusions, but they could have! Plus, I don't want them to know anything about my hair obsession. The only people that know are my close friends and my mom, and as much as they love me, they still think I'm crazy (other than bravenewgirl87 who joined LHCF)! Has anyone else been caught during work or anywhere else on the forum by someone you didn't want to know about LHCF? How did you feel? What did you do?
Yes yes!!! This happened to me a couple times at work. I was caught looking at LHCF but I didnt want them to think that I was snooty and that all I cared about was my hair. I didnt want them to think I was hair obsessed, but its probably too late. Oh well:ohwell:
Don't let them know it was a big deal to you. It happen to me, I was printing some stuff off from LHCF about improving your credit. 2 minutes after I printed it off, my manager comes over to the printer and picks up my stuff and hers. She stood in front of the printer for a moment and I heard her snicker about something, but I didn't turn around to look. She placed the copies on my desk, then I knew she had read some of it. :look:

No sweat to me though, I'm sure she has a little down time too. She likes to check out different spas. I saw her print out spa info. too. Uh huh, yep. :lol:

I never said a word about it. Give it a week or so, it'll be old news to them.
Wishin, I have left my screen on and have had lookie-loos. The site I am caught at by co-workers most often is wikipedia when I am looking up different herbs, oils so I simply say a client had asked me about it so I was researching it for the client! They quickly forget about it. I would not fret about it BECAUSE IF YOU DO IT'LL BECOME A STICKING POINT. The people who saw LHCF will revisit the site on their own, the others will probably forget about it. I would not make a big deal out of it. How I wish I could log into LHCF from work!!