Cathy Howse against "protective styles"


New Member
I don't know if this has been posted before. I did a search and found alot of info on her method, but not on what she thinks about protective styles. I was reading her hair tips on her site and I was surprised to find out that she is against protect styles like buns and french rolls.

I know I may get tried of wearing buns, but I never thought that buns made my ends dry and break.
She only advocates what works for her. She's a smart lady, but only knows what goes on on her own head, and focuses on the minimum requirements for growth (protein/moisture balance) and kind of poo-poos on everything else. JMHO.
To each her own... what works for me may not work for you...

I wear buns and French twists almost all of the time. My ends are not dried out, I give them a spritz of water and a tiny dab of oil before bunning and they stay silky and soft. I have no breakage.

I'd never heard of Cathy Howse before coming to this board, but I do know many very long haired women in my own family who wear their hair up in buns or pinned up braids 95% of the time and their hair is beautiful.
Mars_Reiko said:
Here's a link to some hair pics of hers.

"February 2005 - and my last retouch was May 2004 proving that we can give up chemical relaxers and keep our hair. With 5" of new growth and 9" relaxed ends, my hair was straightened with the blowdryer and flat iron."

So she's against relaxers now, but obviously she is STILL afraid to cut off the relaxed ends, huh? If you have not cut off the relaxed ends, then you are not fully natural.

I'm sensing a pattern with this woman.
"The only relaxer I recommend is Affirm. You can not get it unless you are a hairdresser. But one last thing, if you feel comfortable using the hot comb, ensure it is not one you place on a burner."

She's a lie. I can get anything I want from the internet. My beautician last year told me I couldn't get the Design Essentials line (the relaxers, etc.) and that I had to be a "hairdresser." Once again, a lie.
I think you have to do what works for you as well. I don't use protective styles all the time because I think they cause other problems with my hair in areas I need to grow, and I do not feel my hair growth has suffered from wearing it down at least half the time. But that is me. May not work for others.
navsegda said:
"February 2005 - and my last retouch was May 2004 proving that we can give up chemical relaxers and keep our hair. With 5" of new growth and 9" relaxed ends, my hair was straightened with the blowdryer and flat iron."

So she's against relaxers now, but obviously she is STILL afraid to cut off the relaxed ends, huh? If you have not cut off the relaxed ends, then you are not fully natural.

I'm sensing a pattern with this woman.
Yea, I noticed that too. :huh: But whatever, I don't put any stock into what she says, cuz my hair looked better than hers did. :lol: But I hear the products are good.
I have seen longer, prettier heads of hair on this board. Not impressed, but she should do what works for her and everyone else should do the same. There isn't one method for everyone.
Some of her ideas are good, but she seems to have a very one sided opinion on everything. a one size fits all kind of feel to it.
No disrespect to Ms. Howse, but she's been growing her hair for TWELVE years and she's JUST hitting BSL? Urm, okay, yeah, I'll follow all of HER advice if I wanna take the slow road to growth.
nappywomyn said:
No disrespect to Ms. Howse, but she's been growing her hair for TWELVE years and she's JUST hitting BSL? Urm, okay, yeah, I'll follow all of HER advice if I wanna take the slow road to growth.

Very good point!!!!
Brownie said:
I have seen longer, prettier heads of hair on this board. Not impressed, but she should do what works for her and everyone else should do the same. There isn't one method for everyone.

Amen. I don't respect Cathy Howse. Her first book was full of typos and grammatical errors and was poorly thought out. Furthermore her hair, though long, is not in my opinion beautiful. Alot better hair on the board.
chayil0427 said:
Amen. I don't respect Cathy Howse. Her first book was full of typos and grammatical errors and was poorly thought out. Furthermore her hair, though long, is not in my opinion beautiful. Alot better hair on the board.

Exactly, her book has ALOT of imcomplete thoughts. When I was reading her book, I was like:confused: and that's how I found LHCF because she was not convincing enough for me and right there are wayyyyy better heads of hair on this board, that grew their hair from above shoulder length to past bsl in a year...sooo ummm. I pay Mrs. Howse no nevermind....I do use her Dew mist though and I likey but everything else she basically says...I zip right past...she is too ego strung for should read the question and answer sections on her website, she's getting smart with ppl and stuff. Just my 2 1/2 cents:)
IMO, styles like buns and french rolls can be very damaging to the hair, if the hair is pulled too tightly to secure these styles. I used to wear ponytails frequently when in college and used to get a lot of hair breakage in the back from them. Now that I know tips from LHCF, I do things to protect my buns/ponytails, like ouchless bands, oiling the area that is tied w/the band etc but they are still not my proctective styles of choice and I don't wear them everyday when I do, just to be on the safe side.
tsmith said:
Exactly, her book has ALOT of imcomplete thoughts. When I was reading her book, I was like:confused: and that's how I found LHCF because she was not convincing enough for me and right there are wayyyyy better heads of hair on this board, that grew their hair from above shoulder length to past bsl in a year...sooo ummm. I pay Mrs. Howse no nevermind....I do use her Dew mist though and I likey but everything else she basically says...I zip right past...she is too ego strung for should read the question and answer sections on her website, she's getting smart with ppl and stuff. Just my 2 1/2 cents:)
Her question and answer section highly amuses me. For instance:

5. Up until last year, I did not have a perm, but it got very hot here (90-110 for two month straight) and I made a decision to perm my hair. Yes, I had a lot of damage to my hair after switching from a child's relaxer to a regular relaxer. Now, I am going back to pressing my hair. Do you think that women who do not perm their hair can grow long hair successfully while pressing it?

"One thing that I tell people is that you CAN NOT change products without expecting to have some problems."

Translation: You cannot stop using MY products or you will have problems!

"You caused the breakage in your hair because of choices you made. When you decide on a product, stick with it. Some products were not designed to work together!"

Translation: My products are THE BEST. Using anything but them will make your hair fall out.

"The main problem that over 80% of the Black population has is a dry hair condition. My system is a moisture balance system that alleviates dry hair that breaks."

Translation: I have not done a statistical analysis on this so I really am pulling this number out of my ass. This would require me going out and personally testing the hair of a very large sample of black women, which I have not done. I'm just gonna assume that 80% of the black population does not use my fine products and thus they MUST have dry hair.

16. Is there anything that you recommend in the way of a creme moisturizer that I can use as well as your moisturizer? I've tried QP Elastra Oil Moisturizer, Luster's Pink Lotion, and others. My hair soaks it up, but I don't want my hair to me weighed down.

"Unfortunately, all crèmes will weigh the hair down but I still use them when I need oils to help lock in moisture.

5/19 UPDATE I no longer use All Ways- they changed the formula when they changed their label! I threw my bottle out. It no longer contains water and has alcohol and protein. Two ingredients that are terrible for our hair especially during the moisturing stage!

Translation: I know this even though I have not tested every single hair cream out there. But I must say that ALL creams weigh the hair down because I haven't figured out how to make a weightless one yet. Even though science proves me wrong, I'm still gonna say that protein is terrible for the hair!
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anatomicallycorrect said:
IMO, styles like buns and french rolls can be very damaging to the hair, if the hair is pulled too tightly to secure these styles. I used to wear ponytails frequently when in college and used to get a lot of hair breakage in the back from them. Now that I know tips from LHCF, I do things to protect my buns/ponytails, like ouchless bands, oiling the area that is tied w/the band etc but they are still not my proctective styles of choice and I don't wear them everyday when I do, just to be on the safe side.

I wear my hair lightly pulled back into my own ponytail, with the ends baggied and a bun cover over the baggie. This has allowed me to keep every inch of hair and I mean every inch. I use a silk/satin scrunchies and I wrap the scrunchie around 2x making sure it is loose. I do not oil the area that is tied or anything and it's working for me. This style is going to get me to midback. It seems that for me no heat and bagging my ends 24/7 is my way to go:)
nappywomyn said:
No disrespect to Ms. Howse, but she's been growing her hair for TWELVE years and she's JUST hitting BSL? Urm, okay, yeah, I'll follow all of HER advice if I wanna take the slow road to growth.

HAHAHA, someone on her site brought up this same point. I guess she "told" them.

18. I thought that it took your hair an awfully long time to grow, I am talking about 14 years here. To be honest I will do any thing it takes to grow my hair long. I am 18 years of age and I do not want to wait 14 years until my hair grows. I want to enjoy my hair when I am young.

"It DID NOT take 14 years for my hair to grow this length. My hair grows about 5 inches per year. My hair is approximately 18 inches from the crown of my head to the ends of my hair."
navsegda said:
HAHAHA, someone on her site brought up this same point. I guess she "told" them.

18. I thought that it took your hair an awfully long time to grow, I am talking about 14 years here. To be honest I will do any thing it takes to grow my hair long. I am 18 years of age and I do not want to wait 14 years until my hair grows. I want to enjoy my hair when I am young.

"It DID NOT take 14 years for my hair to grow this length. My hair grows about 5 inches per year. My hair is approximately 18 inches from the crown of my head to the ends of my hair."

WTH....14 x 5 is 70!!! She should have 70 inches of hair...hahahahahhaha
I saw her site a couple of years ago too, and i wasn't impressed. And that was even before I knew about LHCF! To me, if her products were so great, then after 10 months, and to only have 5" is only 1/2" a month which is merely average growth. Most people get that without doing anything "special" to their hair. I got the feeling like she knows this which is why she gets mad when people question her methods...
peacelove said:
I think you have to do what works for you as well. I don't use protective styles all the time because I think they cause other problems with my hair in areas I need to grow, and I do not feel my hair growth has suffered from wearing it down at least half the time. But that is me. May not work for others.

I agree. My hair is super thick so it's hard to even get in a bun (although I know that's not the only protective style) it's too much manipulation for me. My hair seems to thrive if I just leave it along and let it hang. But everyone's hair is different so like many of the other ladies have said you just have to do what works best for you and your hair.
I agree. I bought the first book and wasn't impressed. I took a look at the before and after pictures of her on the website....wasn't impressed that it took so long for her to grow her hair! The Ladies of LHCF have waaaayyyy better looking heads of hair in shorter periods of time. I say we write our own book with pictorials, regimens and different hair type experience. I am sure we could get a book deal!;);)

I'm not hate'n on Cathy but honestly speaking I did not find a real sense of direction until I found LHCF. I was able to see and communicate with other women "Just like me". In addition, not everything works for everybody. Her book didn't have enough options. It was written based on what worked for "her".

She took a brilliant step and did prove that black hair can grow, but there's always room for improvision.

"First there was Cable Television. Then, there came Satelite. Now, Ativo allows us to see our favorite shows anytime we want!!" ~Feel Me??;)

chayil0427 said:
Amen. I don't respect Cathy Howse. Her first book was full of typos and grammatical errors and was poorly thought out. Furthermore her hair, though long, is not in my opinion beautiful. Alot better hair on the board.
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Cathy Howse is definitely on the "my size fits all" wagon. She seems to find it hard to acknowledge that there are other methods and products out there that work. While she does have some good ideas, her method of conveying her ideas is off-putting to me. I have learned a lot more than other women on this site.
I think she's referring to Wanakee who has gawgeous WL hair btw. Wanakee was the first person I ever heard of talking about protective styling (which meant protecting hair from clothes, wind, AIR period). I went with it and my hair thrived.

She also did say something like if your ends go up dry, they come down dry. Before I found out that water was good for the hair I was using oils heavily. My ends didn't suffer or break but then again I was washing and conditioning my hair weekly.

To each her own.