Castor oil


Well-Known Member
Does castor oil really help thicken the hair. Those of you ladies that use castor oil what brand do you use and where do you purchase it? I purchased some castor oil from whole foods and it was really sticky, so I haven't used it.
I have Jamaican Black Castor Oil..I got it from It has really helped to thicken my hair. I don't like the smell smells like cigarettes. I have found that if I mix it with conditioner or something else that smells good, it's more tolerable..I had to figure out some other way to combat the smell so my money didn't go to waste.
I have JBCO too, I bought it online from! I've only used it twice, in a home made DC and I must say I liked it! It's smells like black bean sauce to me, which I love.
you can mix it with another oil....i use coconut or jojoba sometimes olive oil if you are going to use it to seal....

i also have a pre-poo in which i mix castor, jojoba, flaxseed, wheatgerm, almond oils.

it is sticky....i bought mine from a pharmacy here in melbourne
I have the Jamaican Black Castor Oil and it STINKS but it works. My mom used to use it on my hair when I was a kid. I mix it with olive oil and use it to seal and also use it as a prepoo treatment alone. It makes my hair really soft. I usually put it on at night and by the time I wake up in the morning the smell is gone.
i have JBCO but havent used it in a while. when i first started using it i think it thickeneed my hair alot but i feel off. i think i will start back using it tonight.

by the way the smell doesnt bother me.
I love castor oil. I don't know if it truly thickens hair but it does protect it. I get the home health brand from Whole Foods. It is thick and sticky but I like it because of that. I just make sure to use it on wet hair (and I wet my hands first because it makes it much easier to spread).

I dampen my hair with a little water every day and then I run castor oil through it, concentrating on the ends. It makes my hair soft and keeps my ends protected. I also use it as an overnight treatment...I wet my hair, slather with castor oil, pin up in a few sections and then put on a plastic cap. My hair absorbs it by the morning and it makes it stronger.
I use my JBCO at night before I put on my scarf and it's soaked up by morning. It feels thicker, softer and stronger.
Most asian shops have it. I used it yesterday mixed with water, Glycerine and rosemary oil and left it under cling film and a heating cap for a few hours then rinsed off. My hair feels alot healthier and looks better too. More full
I have the regular old castor oil that I found at Fiesta, this huge international grocery store. And YES, it does thicken your hair. It fills in the hair line well too. I'm going to try the Jamaica stuff one day...

EAT~ It's supposed to be sticky, just use a dime sized amount at a time. It doesn't stay sticky in your hair if you don't use too much...
i used the google search bar to look up prepoo but all the posts are old and no one really gives a step-by-step. its got to be in someone's fotki for the :newbie: in me. Help. I would really appreciate a 1-2-3.
I think you add oils to your hair, maybe use a thermal heat cap to let it soak in, rinse and shampoo. I don't know for sure though...
This thread just made me dig out my bottle and rub some on my ends...maybe I'll make this a regular thing! Has anyone tried the pomade yet? It's nice!!!
I just applied CO for the first time to my hair and lashes, I'll keep you guys posted with the results. BTW, I looove how It makes my hair feel & it helps tame it.:grin:
I love castor oil. It really does help to thicken and protect my fine, thin strands. I actually dilute mine with a little distilled water so that I can spread it on my hair easier.
I need to thicken up my hairline. After much thought I went and got the Hollywood beauty version of Castor oil--The kind in the tub mixed with mink, almond, and other oils. I am hoping this works. It smells great and its not messy. It doesn't melt and run down on my face clogging up my pores.
I actually used it tonight to seal, what the heck, I put this in another thread but I'll put it here. I loooooooove jamaican black castor oil!!!!

Does castor oil really help thicken the hair. Those of you ladies that use castor oil what brand do you use and where do you purchase it? I purchased some castor oil from whole foods and it was really sticky, so I haven't used it.

This was my issue with it. I tried to use it a few times but it was so sticky and smelled like peanuts. Plus I learned that my hair doesn't really like oils...well only certains kinds and in very small amounts.
i used the google search bar to look up prepoo but all the posts are old and no one really gives a step-by-step. its got to be in someone's fotki for the :newbie: in me. Help. I would really appreciate a 1-2-3.

Pre-poo is basically a conditioning treatment done before you shampoo that conditions your hair so that the stripping effect of the shampoo wont be that bad. You can also use stuff that is good for your hair but you dont want building up on it after your hair has soaked up all it can. I generally only use honey (a good humectant) in a pre-poo because its so sticky. HTH
I've used both. I don't think the JBCO is any better than the regular castor oil. The color and smell is different because the seeds were roasted before they were pressed. The castor oil I buy from is just as thick as the JBCO, and I get a lot more for less money. I still have an unopened bottle of JBCO. I'm not sure why I didn't use it up before buying the regular castor oil.
I get my castor oil for free from the 100% natural (I'm not sure if it's organic) source... My mom! Whenever she goes to Haiti, I DEMAND that she bring me back some cator oil for at least 2 years. She has it prepared in front of her so that they don't try to rip her off by adding other oil. It really doesn't smell good though and it's sticky so I dilute with with other lighter oils and some essential oil like peppermint (really helps kill the smell)!