Carefree's Got Updates!


Well-Known Member
Girl, I had to shout you out. Your hair is beyond beautiful and you've got some serious skills in styling your own hair. Everybody, go check out her new October album.
I've also been a HUGE fan of carefree-since decided to go natural...she is truly and inspiration. Can't wait for more length...Hoping to achieve self-straightening and longer curls, too.
Now that is just some BEAUTIFUL hair, Now if I had coils like that I would definately be natural, and how creative w/the wrapping thing. :D :) ;)
I know we aren't supposed to covet other people's hair...but good heavens if I could have your hair I would... it is GOREGOUS!
Oh my goodness! Hey Carefree! How are you!??? I had no idea you were pregnant! He is a doll and your hair looks wonderful, as do you! :) :)
Thanks for posting this... Carefree's was one of my original natural inspirations & I've been following her album since my relaxed days... (( :sekret: & I've been checking for her update like the obsessed hair stalker I am, lol ))...

Absolutely beautiful hair!!!
Love Carefree's hair! She's always got great tips, techniques and updates.