Can't afford a trichologist?


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Can\'t afford a trichologist?

These tests are used by trichologist in order to determine the condition of your hair-- its in august's instyle mag. Enjoy!

The glide test- Run your forefinger and thumb down a strand of hair, going from the root to the tip and then from the tip to the root. Healthy hair feels the same in both directions, unhealthy hair will feel rougher from tip to root, a sign you need extra conditioning because you have a rough cuticle.

Coil test—drag your forefinger and thumbnail along the length of the hair—repeat 3 times. If the hair coils like a spring it’s a good sign your hair is healthy--- the less coils the more unhealthy it is.

Tweezers Test- hold each end of a hair with a pair of tweezers. Slowly pull hair in opposite directions. Healthy hair will stretch about 25-30 percent of it original length before it breaks. If its inflexible it’s a good sign that your hair is breakage prone and needs a conditioning treatment.

Magnifier Test- pluck a hair at the root and look at it under a magnifying glass comparing the width at the root with the width at the tip. The greater the difference the more damaged it is.
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

Thanks LH for this.

Relaxed ladies, don't be alarmed at any of the "results" you may get. As you know, our natural hair structure has been broken down somewhat and the sensitivity may show when doing these tests. But, yes healthy relaxed hair is possible.
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

thanks luv hair for postin the test, cud u describe the coil test more coz i dont really understand how hair coils have anythin to do with hair health
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

the magazine dosnt explain why coiling proves the hair is unhealthy. sorry i cant explain.
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

I did the test. I passed, but then again I have natural/napp hair. I would guess the coil is testing for strenth. I you can run your thumb/fingernail about three times and it does break and 'springs/coils' back, then your hair is pretty strong/resilient.
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

thanks anyway luvhair i've tried the other tests and they are good, another one they can add to the list is the one wen u put it into water

henrilou do u stretch the hair wen doin the coil test?? coz its bound to stay coiled isnt it??
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

Thanks for sharing simple tests we can all do to 'check' our hair's health.'

I tell you what I'd love to see though is a strand of my hair magnified 1000 or so time so I can see the actual cuticles etc and just see how the strand looks. Close up. The current allure mag has highly magnified strands and is very nice I think to know what your hair really 'looks' like.

Thanks again though for this post. I did the elastic/pulling strand in either direction a few weeks ago and it did stretch without breaking. I'll try the others.
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

The glide test- Run your forefinger and thumb down a strand of hair, going from the root to the tip and then from the tip to the root. Healthy hair feels the same in both directions, unhealthy hair will feel rougher from tip to root, a sign you need extra conditioning because you have a rough cuticle.

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how would you improve a " rough cuticle"? do you need mousiture or protein for that?
Re: Can\'t afford a trichologist?

Great tip Luv Hair.
On another note...where have you been? I've searched high and low for you.

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Sooooo good to know you're still around