Can you mix up uneven growth to thin ends?

Yes it can

After I did the BC back in 2007 I had some pieces of hair that were longer than the rest of my hair. I was told by Chicoro to just let it grow and it would eventually catch up. Well I am glad I listened because yes the rest of my hair did grow and catch up to the lead hairs. Once this happened I eventually did a nice trim to even it out. My hair grows in a V so blunt cuts are just not an option for me.
BostonMaria said:
Yes it can

After I did the BC back in 2007 I had some pieces of hair that were longer than the rest of my hair. I was told by Chicoro to just let it grow and it would eventually catch up. Well I am glad I listened because yes the rest of my hair did grow and catch up to the lead hairs. Once this happened I eventually did a nice trim to even it out. My hair grows in a V so blunt cuts are just not an option for me.

Ooooh thank you for this post! I needed this right now. It feels like if you have uneven length, lead hairs, then you have damage since your hair isn't even and you need to trim. But I know my hair is uneven due to those reasons, just bc that's how it grows, like layers bottom top and left to right. lol At the beginning of the year I decided to stop trimming the longer parts and just get on my grow down!

Your hair is beautiful! This is inspiration for me. How long did it take you to even out and get to your length?
Yes, absolutely. People like to rush to claim "hair breakage" but it's not always true. Sometimes, that's just how people's hair grows.
Agree with the others...when I started my hair journey my crown area was maybe 3-4 inches long, as my hair gets longer the thickness at about shoulder to apl is much greater. I just allow it to all grow do dusting and trims as I see fit with the goal that when my longest layers reach my goal I'll be in maintenance mode waiting patiently for the rest to catch up.
My hair didn't look even until I passed APL. I had long thin nape hairs and short poofy hairs on top, looked like a mullet.
Even now it's not really all one length, the layers just blend together better with long hair.
I totally agree with everyone else. Keep in mind that each individual follicle has its own personal growth cycle. So it is normal that some hairs will be longer than others which will create the thinned ends or uneven hair look. I'm glad that they aren't on the same cycle because we would experience periods of baldness during the shedding phase... LOL

Personally, I'm glad that I let my sprinting hairs sprint because they have made their way MBL and my shorter lengths are only a few inches away. This is also one of the reasons I don't wear my hair straighten often.
Ooooh thank you for this post! I needed this right now. It feels like if you have uneven length, lead hairs, then you have damage since your hair isn't even and you need to trim. But I know my hair is uneven due to those reasons, just bc that's how it grows, like layers bottom top and left to right. lol At the beginning of the year I decided to stop trimming the longer parts and just get on my grow down!

Your hair is beautiful! This is inspiration for me. How long did it take you to even out and get to your length?

Thank you for the compliment! :drunk:

When I did the BC I had 5 inches of hair all around, which meant that my hair was extremely uneven. Had I kept cutting it to make it even I'm sure it would have taken forever to grow it long. Once it hit bra strap lenght I started to notice the layers go away.

I did the BC in September 2007 and my hair couldn't fit into a ponytail for the longest time LOL a year later I was APL. I think it took about 3 years to reach waist length. Though it took a while I enjoyed my hair at APL, BSL, Mid Back, etc... By the time I hit waist length my hair had no more layers.
Thanks cause I'm tired of trimmimg every week cause I'm scared of splits I'm just gonna go back to trimming once a month
I'm glad to hear this because my ends looks so messed up and I know it would be stupid to trim when I'm 18 almost nineteen weeks post and hoping that when I relax it evens put more than I think it will. I did a s&d but a lot of people if they saw my ends would be like you need to trim badly but hoping its the amount of new growth because I can not keep having setbacks, stretching it I just made it to apl and I'm always about to make it to apl and my goal is waist and my SO other talking bout no, just trim at we and I'm like he really don't know how that works, its not that easy, if you experiencing major splits and breakage you might have to trim or end up almost bald or bald
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Grateful for this thread. I cut over 3inches of H-E-A-L-T-H-Y hair because of uneven growth. Now I regret it. I cut from BSL back to APL...:nono::nono:...because the BSL portion was thin, the rest of the hair hadn't caught up.

The worst part about that now - 9weeks later - the "lead" hairs are once again longer than the rest of my hair. Its crazy, but I have come to accept that certain parts of my hair just grow faster than others. I will never butcher my head in that manner again. I will just leave my hair to grow as it pleases, without dictating to it how it should grow. I will most likely dust from time to time to keep a nice line, but I will not be cutting any more healthy hair for the sake of look-see. As long as my hair is healthy from root-to-tip (..and it IS!!), then I leave the growth pattern alone.

Lesson learned!!:yep:
I think that was I was at shoulder length for years, I was constantly evening out my hair and thought I was doing some justice to my hair until someone pointed out why don't i let my hair grow out longer I stead of shoulder length and I was thinking to myself if only you knew I'm trying to grow it to the minimum WL and I couldn't even get it past shoulder
Lilmama1011 said:
I think that was I was at shoulder length for years, I was constantly evening out my hair and thought I was doing some justice to my hair until someone pointed out why don't i let my hair grow out longer I stead of shoulder length and I was thinking to myself if only you knew I'm trying to grow it to the minimum WLAN and I couldn't even get it past shoulder

That's when when I decided to join this forum for some tips, because I'm not a slow grower at all, just one minute it even and like two weeks later its uneven and I just thought my hair was breaking off
Thank you for the compliment! :drunk:

When I did the BC I had 5 inches of hair all around, which meant that my hair was extremely uneven. Had I kept cutting it to make it even I'm sure it would have taken forever to grow it long. Once it hit bra strap lenght I started to notice the layers go away.

I did the BC in September 2007 and my hair couldn't fit into a ponytail for the longest time LOL a year later I was APL. I think it took about 3 years to reach waist length. Though it took a while I enjoyed my hair at APL, BSL, Mid Back, etc... By the time I hit waist length my hair had no more layers.
Thank you for your post, I really need to hear this right now. Now I can just keep doing what I've been doing, and that I don't have to cut my hair even and lose the length that I worked so hard to get. Also importantly, when I hit BSL (which will be in about 6 months) that the unevenness will go away. This post really helped me a lot because I kept cutting my hair to be even and I would always end up in the same situation over and over and never get anywhere (lengthwise). And thank you to all my LHCF friends who have posted in this thread and for all your support every single day.