Can we please have a moratorium on Natural/Relaxed threads?

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New Member
I'm not talking about "how to" threads.

I'm talking about the 50-11 threads on "why did you relax," "would you relax your child," "what kind of self-hatred prompts one to relax" type threads.

I've been posting on the board for two and a half years (and I lurked a good six months before that). It seems that in the past 2-3 months there has been an uptick in the natural nazi-ish threads that would put to shame! It's changing the entire vibe on the board from one where people were supporting others in their choices--natural or relaxed--to one in which people are being pushed to justify their choices. This should not be the case. We are, for the most part, grown women. Our choices are our choices. And the constant sniping is making the board a negative place instead of the positive uplifting place it used to be!:perplexed
*goes to look up moratorium* :look:

I've noticed some people kinda on edge. It's not just the naturals starting up though. It'd be nice if we all chilled out a bit I suppose.

:bighug: to everybody from Neith
well using terms like natural nazi aren't really helping the atmosphere either

Like Neith said I don't think it's one group "disrupting" everything
I'm not talking about "how to" threads.

I'm talking about the 50-11 threads on "why did you relax," "would you relax your child," "what kind of self-hatred prompts one to relax" type threads.

I've been posting on the board for two and a half years (and I lurked a good six months before that). It seems that in the past 2-3 months there has been an uptick in the natural nazi-ish threads that would put to shame! It's changing the entire vibe on the board from one where people were supporting others in their choices--natural or relaxed--to one in which people are being pushed to justify their choices. This should not be the case. We are, for the most part, grown women. Our choices are our choices. And the constant sniping is making the board a negative place instead of the positive uplifting place it used to be!:perplexed

I expressed a similar sentiment a couple of weeks ago in one such thread. I knew it wasn't just me who noticed it. I hardly ever venture into this section anymore because I rarely see threads that apply to/ interest me.
The board has it's cycles. The latest one is cuz of the hair movie. It'll pass and come back remixed again sometime next year.
I dont see much negativity:look:

Just people sharing their perspectives.....

I also think the term natural-nazi is unnecessary, there are people who feel strongly and they shouldn't be vilified for that.

I think whenever you feel you have to justify yourself then thats more a reflection on you than anyone else.

Either way, its all love:blowkiss: if you dont vibe wit it.....KIM:yep:
I didn't feel any negativity, just everybody telling why they like what they like.

Nothing wrong with that.

I agree. If anyone has been on this forum long enough to tour some of the discussions in other forums on the board , one would know that there is a considerable difference (understatement) between what individuals explicitly state and their actual implicit beliefs :look:
Thank you! The reason why I joined, not too long ago was because of the Good Vibes. it didn't seem to be a "Naturals over here/Relaxer's over here" place. :(

*throws a rose over the "relaxed is wack!" grave*

I don't think it's wrong to talk about the differences, but let's not forget to appreciate the beauty in EVERY KIND of healthy hair!

I'll start:

Relaxed ladies...

I LOVE your swang!
OoooH, and I like a good, feathered swoop too!

Now C'mere! :grouphug:
i can't say i wasnt feeling the same thing... eventho i am new here it does kinda seem like SOME naturals want the relaxed women to feel bad for chosing to relax their hair. i love mah permed sistas.. and i'll shout that from the mountain tops!! we are all women that should be able to expres our opinions, give advice, and share knowledge without being insensitive to others and their decisions...
I'm not seeing "natural Nazi-ism"; my primary objection is to seeing the SAME question posted ad nauseum. I just feel some folk need to read what was posted in the prior 24 hours before making yet another 'why did you relax' poll. I hate those "essay questions". :lachen:
I can def. understand being slightly annoyed by seeing the same topic in various forms over and over.

But other than that, the mentioned forum is no where near like LHCF.
I'm not seeing "natural Nazi-ism"; my primary objection is to seeing the SAME question posted ad nauseum. I just feel some folk need to read what was posted in the prior 24 hours before making yet another 'why did you relax' poll. I hate those "essay questions". :lachen:

Can the church say amen?!?!

I wish folks would do a simple tiny quick search before they posted a new thread because I'm tired of seeing the same exact things asked over and over again in the span of a few days (or even a few hours people not look at the second or third page of the board?).
Maybe the movie has people on edge! I agree though...I love the openness and the nonjudgmental tone of this board. And I hate Let's keep it positive, queens! :)
Maybe the movie has people on edge! I agree though...I love the openness and the nonjudgmental tone of this board. And I hate Let's keep it positive, queens! :)

Yes, let's keep it positive without bashing another board.
I agree with the OP. I am happy to see so many women transitioning to natural, but I think people need to respect others choices. I've had both natural and relaxed hair and there are pros and cons to both. Basically you have to do you.
IMO, the vibe has definitely changed a bit from what it was over a year ago. I actually came here when I went natural because it was more welcoming, nonjudgmental and so diverse in opinion, ideology and experience. There was a lot of love and I think there still is.
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I'm not seeing "natural Nazi-ism"; my primary objection is to seeing the SAME question posted ad nauseum. I just feel some folk need to read what was posted in the prior 24 hours before making yet another 'why did you relax' poll. I hate those "essay questions". :lachen:

LMAO!!! :lachen::lachen:

You all are too much.

Seriously, some of us need to stop being so sensitive. Just because people firmly state their objections to something you may like does not mean you should take it as a personal attack.

We don't have to be mean to each other to get a point across everyone is here for the same thing to learn to maintain and or grow long beautiful hair.

Relaxed or natural we all want beautiful healthy hair and we can help each other achieve it (or weave it):grin:

Who cares if they don't like it? If you love it, embrace it!
The board has it's cycles. The latest one is cuz of the hair movie. It'll pass and come back remixed again sometime next year.

Yeah, I really think it's due to the movie coming out. By this time last year, discerning whether or not Michelle Obama was natural or relaxed was the fixation. I think the year before that was Boundless Tresses and Chlorella and other natural stuff to get your hair growing. There's always a LHCF fad. :ohwell: It just comes with the territory.
Thank you! The reason why I joined, not too long ago was because of the Good Vibes. it didn't seem to be a "Naturals over here/Relaxer's over here" place. :(

*throws a rose over the "relaxed is wack!" grave*

I don't think it's wrong to talk about the differences, but let's not forget to appreciate the beauty in EVERY KIND of healthy hair!

I'll start:

Relaxed ladies...

I LOVE your swang!
OoooH, and I like a good, feathered swoop too!

Now C'mere! :grouphug:

And I love the BC in your avatar (I'm assuming that's you). When I cut my hair like that (yes I've been natural as an adult) I looked like I had a HUGE melon attach to my neck. :grouphug:
Yeah, I really think it's due to the movie coming out. By this time last year, discerning whether or not Michelle Obama was natural or relaxed was the fixation. I think the year before that was Boundless Tresses and Chlorella and other natural stuff to get your hair growing. There's always a LHCF fad. :ohwell: It just comes with the territory.

Yup. When I first got here you couldn't go without seeing 5 megatek threads A DAY. It was ridiculous...but as with everything else, something took its place.

I wonder what the next big thing will be.
I'm not talking about "how to" threads.

I'm talking about the 50-11 threads on "why did you relax," "would you relax your child," "what kind of self-hatred prompts one to relax" type threads.

I've been posting on the board for two and a half years (and I lurked a good six months before that). It seems that in the past 2-3 months there has been an uptick in the natural nazi-ish threads that would put to shame! It's changing the entire vibe on the board from one where people were supporting others in their choices--natural or relaxed--to one in which people are being pushed to justify their choices. This should not be the case. We are, for the most part, grown women. Our choices are our choices. And the constant sniping is making the board a negative place instead of the positive uplifting place it used to be!:perplexed

ITA OP but its not only naturals...its every one. Naturals & Relaxed.....3's & 4's. :yep:
well using terms like natural nazi aren't really helping the atmosphere either

Like Neith said I don't think it's one group "disrupting" everything

Neither is going into a natural inspiration thread talking about how some natural heads look a HAM. :look: That's what the OP did, which is why I find this thread ironic.:yep:
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