Can someone explain the growth cycle to me?


New Member
If your growth cycle is 4 years does that mean your hair grows for 4 years and then stops for a short while and then starts up again? or does it stop alltogether. I dont understand the cycle.

Tee Tee
Hi Tee Tee,

Once your growth cycle ends, that hair sheds and is replaced by a new hair that starts to grow in it's place for the same length of time, before it sheds again.
Ok I got it,so basically you will retain the same length and the hair will not get longer. Hopefully my growth cycle is pretty long.

Thanks Pebbles.

Tee Tee
If your growth cycle is 4 years does that mean your hair grows for 4 years and then stops for a short while and then starts up again? or does it stop alltogether. I dont understand the cycle.

Tee Tee

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="blue">Hey Tee Tee..! Check out this link:

Growth Cycle Explained </font>