Can relaxed heads do braidouts?


New Member
If so, has anyone perfected/almost perfected the products/methods uesd?
If so, please share...If this has been posted before with answers, can someone share that...I have no experience using this sites search engine...Thanks in advance for your help, ladies!
Yeah they can, I have pics of ones done on wet and dry hair in my lonei3 album. pm me for more info.
We sure can. I sported braidouts/twist outs quite often as a relaxed head. I need to dig out a picture. I loved the braidouts so much that I realized I loved textured hair better than relaxed, straight hair. I use to get someone to flat twist my hair sit under a dry for at least 5 mintues to set the hair. I liked to leave the twists in for a couple of days and then I would unravel the braids.
YES! I am wearing one today as a matter of fact. But i can't wait til my hair is long like Sylver's, i'll be rockin braidouts alot! My hair is lookin good, gurl! I found that when my hair was shoulder length, i just felt very self-conscious about my hair. Now my hair is APL, i am more comfortable with wearing one. I also find that when i do one on dry (straightened) hair (especially if my relaxer is fresh) then i get gorgeous results. Last nite, i slept with a french braid down my head, this morning, i took it out, and it looks like a french wave weave... It fell a little because I only used Mangobutter and WGO oil on my ends...i didn't use any setting lotion or anything. and its humid outside...I dont have a battery for my cam but i'll be posting pics soon... I like how simple it was to style my hair this morn..
Ladies how do you maintain a braid out style? Do you have to rebraid it every night? About how long does the style last? Khandi your braidout is beautiful. Did you roll the ends?
jamiette said:
Wow! Your braidout out is really pretty also. I'm going to try it tonight.

Thanks, I rebraid every 2-3 days or pull it up in a ponytail when it starts to look tired. HTH
Relaxed heads have been doing braidouts here all along! :yep:

I prefer to braid/plait my hair in 4 box braids - after my hair has airdried in a rollerset. I don't use extra product before braiding, I just braid it. Even after an hour, I have nice, loose waves but I prefer to leave the braids in for a few hours for more defined, loose waves. I do it this way on dry hair for less shrinkage and lots of body.
Though I haven't perfected the technique, I've seen them with my own eyes so I KNOW it can be done!! I'm going to try one today as a matta of fact!!

OT: Khandi-B....your husband is quite handsome!! :yep:
Why can't I ever get my hair to look right with a braidout? I tried one last nite on wet hair and it came out looking a hot mess this morning. I ended up putting my hair in its same old tired bun again.

Let me say this... I can't french braid very well. Is that the issue? My braids are never tight on my scalp--they often unravel before morning.

My hair is thick and shrinks A LOT. Part of the problem is that my hair never dries all the way if I air dry it (even after 12 hours). Does it work better on dry hair?

What products are best?

I want to try this style, but I always end up with a TWA and give up!
I can't get mines to consistently turn out right when i do it on wet hair. sometimes its frizzy poofy. but it's always a great braidout on dry hair. i think when u use wet hair...u have to follow the same rules as a hair has to be very wet and you have to dry it completely before taking it out or otherwise you will get poofy hair... The humidity has been knocking the waves out of my dry braidout for the past few days... I'm going to try to spritz with a lil PM styling lotion 2nite and see how it hold up...
I will definitely have to try this on dry hair and see if it looks better. Air drying is a 12 hour process for me due to shrinkage, so I will have to do it between so washes.

Can someone tell this newbie how to airdry in rollers?
InJesusName said:
Why can't I ever get my hair to look right with a braidout? I tried one last nite on wet hair and it came out looking a hot mess this morning. I ended up putting my hair in its same old tired bun again.

Let me say this... I can't french braid very well. Is that the issue? My braids are never tight on my scalp--they often unravel before morning.

My hair is thick and shrinks A LOT. Part of the problem is that my hair never dries all the way if I air dry it (even after 12 hours). Does it work better on dry hair?

What products are best?

I want to try this style, but I always end up with a TWA and give up!

You said that you french braid (which is the opposite of cornrow), have you tried to cornrow and see if it comes out different?
French braid - braid inside
Cornrow - braid outside
Just wondering ;)
InJesusName said:
I will definitely have to try this on dry hair and see if it looks better. Air drying is a 12 hour process for me due to shrinkage, so I will have to do it between so washes.

Can someone tell this newbie how to airdry in rollers?
If you can do a regular rollerset, it's means not sitting under a dryer and letting it dry naturally.
KhandiB said:

Very pretty! Mine are never that shiny.:(

My first braidout was this one. I did my braids on soaking wet hair, and the result was very small waves. I ended up curling the ends with a 1/2 inch curling iron. People thought I was natural. I've also done braidouts on dry hair using french braids (Sweet Cashew's method, I think), and I liked those results too.

punchinella said:
You said that you french braid (which is the opposite of cornrow), have you tried to cornrow and see if it comes out different?
French braid - braid inside
Cornrow - braid outside
wow, i'm sloooooow...i didn't know that (and i'm 44 years old)!! no wonder my cornrows didn't look quite the same as other peeps. for the record then: i can't cornrow to save my neck - but can do some mean arse french braids in :S. and a question: when you guys braid your hair for a braidout - do you braid in or out? same thing with twists - do you twist in or out? geez LOL
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LynnieB said:
wow, i'm sloooooow...i didn't know that (and i'm 44 years old)!! no wonder my cornrows didn't look quite the same as other peeps. for the record then: i can't cornrow to save my neck - but can do some mean arse french braids in :S. and a question: when you guys braid your hair for a braidout - do you braid in or out? same thing with twists - do you twist in or out? geez LOL
I didn't know that either and for some reason I too can do french braids but not cornrows.

For my braidout, I do box braids(plaits). It's easier for me.
I like to do a wet set in a braidout after washing to infuse moisture back into my hair. Beyond the Zone Noodlehead is excellent for this. I also like to do braidouts/twistouts at night on dry hair to set the hair and keep it moisturized after applying my leave-in and oil.
I did all kinds of braidout and twist out styles when I was relaxed. I got great compliments on them too. Most of time I did them while my hair was wet and I used Lottabody setting lotion.