Can I texturize, henna, and bkt back to back?


New Member
Hey ladies,
I have been lurking this site for years, but i had to come out to get some of your expertise. You guys are brilliant.

Okay so I am wearing weaves currently, all of my hair is usually hidden. But for my next install i will be leaving some hair out. In addition I am trying to be consistent with taking care of my hair from now on (ive been soooo negligent to my hair :nono:).
I wanted to henna for conditioning (dont care about coloring). Then i wanted to texturize in order to help with blending my hair with the weave. I am a natural 4z, i wanted to texturize my edges and nape only (i read that the bkt doesnt take well for naturals). Then last but not least i wanted to bkt my edges, nape, and a little leaveout hair in the back. I dont have an issue with bkting my whole head but i thought that maybe that would be pointless because only a little hair will actually be out. I didnt think there was a point in putting all that heat on hair that will just be conrowed for over a month.

So i need you experts to chime in.. is this too much stress on the hair? can i do all of these things back to back? Is there something that maybe i should take out or substitute?
Idk if it matters but i bought the jamila henna, i was leaning towards one of the clear ones because i dont care to have color but this is the best i saw in my local store. I have never henna'd or bkt'd before so i am so unsure about what to do. I hope this wasnt too long, any and all comments/advice is appreciated. Thanks! :yep:
Yea, that does seem like a bit much. I bkt, but I gave up my henna for the time being. Texturizing, henna and BKT...just sounds like hair suicide IMO.
Oh okay, i am glad i asked because i really wasnt sure.. is it because there is too much protein in henna?
So should i just texturize and bkt?
eta: thank you
Henna followed by BKT is a sure road to breakage city. The henna will knock you out of moisture protein balance and then the BKT will seal your hair in that state.

You can texturize followed by BKT to no ill effect. The texturizer will open up the cuticle and the BKT will come on in... Of course you should expect straight hair if you do this, not curls.
Whoa! Absolutely not. If you just want to loosen up only use bkt. If you want straight texturize then bkt. Henna is not a true protein but it acts like a protein. I use henna when I want to wear my bkt off.
Please don't do all this to your hair.
that sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Why texturize and BKT? Are you going for a curly look or a straight look on your edges and nape?
Idk if it matters but i bought the jamila henna, i was leaning towards one of the clear ones because i dont care to have color but this is the best i saw in my local store. I have never henna'd or bkt'd before so i am so unsure about what to do. I hope this wasnt too long, any and all comments/advice is appreciated. Thanks! :yep:

If you are going to use henna, you should use body art quality henna. With colored hennas, you don't know what you are going to get. You can get the benefit from henna without a ton of color release. You're better off using the real thing.

I agree with the other ladies trying to texturize henna and bkt is a recipe for disaster. henna and bkt do not mix unless you are trying to strip the bkt out of your hair. If you henna before bkt it needs to be at least a few weeks before. Henna can throw off your moisture/protein balance and you need to get that back before you bkt or your asking for trouble.
If you want straight hair, why not just relax it completely?

Texturizing and BKT seem like overkill.

What is your goal for your hair and the reason why you want to do all of this, including the henna? Just curious....

I kind of want to BKT, but I am afraid of what might happen to my hai rif I make a mistake....

If you want straight hair, why not just relax it completely?

Texturizing and BKT seem like overkill.

What is your goal for your hair and the reason why you want to do all of this, including the henna? Just curious....

I kind of want to BKT, but I am afraid of what might happen to my hai rif I make a mistake....


Some do it to have bone straight results without the resulting breakage that can come from longer processing times.
Henna + BKT = not the best idea. It is difficult enough to infuse moisture into the strand with henna. I can't imagine BKT on top would make it better.
I wouldn't recommend henna, texlax, and BKT for the OP, but I wanted to post my personal henna + BKT experience here, for the record.

I just got my first BKT, on hair that had been hennaed the week before. I think that it was a good choice for me. I've been using henna monthly for 9 months, so I've gone through enough trial and error to learn what works for me. Following my henna, I steamed with a caramel treatment in my hair, and over the next week, I did two more deep conditioning treatments (one with steam, one under the dryer.) I also did two whole-head overnight baggies with conditioner and oil. So my hair was feeling very good by the time I got my BKT--it was soft and fluffy, and I was retaining moisture throughout the day.

I would only recommend henna + BKT for those whose hair responds well to henna, and for those who know how to regain their moisture/protein balance fairly easily. I have baby-fine hair, and henna helps to add strength to my strands, so I think that it might've helped my heat-sensitive hair withstand the intense temperatures of the BKT process. I would NOT recommend trying henna for the first time before you get your first BKT...that would be a sure recipe for disaster. :nono:

Also, the BKT might be able to get your hair relaxer-straight, depending on which brand is used. My salon used Marcia Teixeira, and it produced texlax-like results in my virgin 4a hair. At the salon, I sat next to a lady with coarse 4b hair getting her first BKT, and the Marcia Teixeira gave her bone straight hair after the rinse. I really do think this treatment can be a relaxer alternative for Type 4 naturals, even after the very first treatment.

My BKT is still brand new, so I'll come back and update if the henna + BKT turns out to cause major damage a few weeks down the line. :lol: