can i still use this?


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies :') around....... january, I made a hair growth mix which consisted of: coconut oil, horsetail herbs, sulfur powder(which was poured in a stocking and I let it sit for a week so it would b potent and repeated that with the left over sulfur powder in the stocking). Now since I made it, it has been sitting in my hair product closet (yep product junkie) lol and I noticed it today bcuz as I was moving stuff around I saw that it turned to liquid and was slushing around as I was digging thru the jungle of stuff lol. Is it ok 4 me to use this stuff? I'm asking bcuz of the sulfur and the amount of time it sat. TIA & HHG ;')
No, no, and no.....JMO. I have no scientific reason to back it up.

Unless the mixture was frozen for this length of time, would I use it.
no, it wasnt frozen, it was in my hair product closet and finally melted maybe 3 days ago. BUMPING for other responses
go ahead and use it, i dont see anything wrong with this. but like anything else you try, do a patch test and see. its not like its a relaxer or some harsh chemical, so just do a patch test anyway and see. let us know
thats a good question.

i'm no chemist, but based on your ingredients, it seems like it would be ok to use.

coconut oil has a long shelf life of 1 1/2 years to 5 years depending on the type of coconut oil and who you ask and 5 or 6 months doesn't seem like enough time for the other ingredients to break down into something dangerous. its most likely liquid simply because the climate is warmer and the oil melted. if you are skeptical, try a patch test, but if your are really doubting it.... thow it out and make a fresh batch (if you do make a fresh batch, you might want to make a smaller batch so just in case you end up not using it again, it wont feel like a waste) if it smells bad, or if you put it on you arm or the back of your neck and it breaks you out, throw it away.
ty for ur insight ladies. when i made it i was so impatient and didnt want to wait a week for it to sit lol and wanted a potent mix, i guess i have one now lol i might mix a small amount with mn and megatek in a smaller bowl. but im going to do a patch test first ;')