Can a relaxer...


Well-Known Member
extend the time between touch-ups? It's time for me to get a touch-up but I was trying to wait thinking that it was too soon. However, I realized that it's been 12 weeks since my last one
I have about an inch or so of new growth and it's so manageble that I think I could go at least another 4-6 weeks without a relaxer. I haven't made any major changes to my regimine. In fact, I've been slacking
So the only thing I can think of is that maybe it's the relaxer (Mizani lye relaxer in regular) that has allowed me to go so long. Other than that, the only reason I can think of is because my hair is overconditioned (over-moisturized). What do you guys think?
I feel you Rayne. I have quite a bit of new growth but it's soooo soft. I can play with it and actually feel the wave/curl (I may actually be a 3b/4a rather than a 4b than I orginally thought). I used Mizani lye in Super the last time (may switch to Regular/Medium or whatever it is) since I was underprocessed from that damn Motions and my relaxed parts aren't bone straight like I wanted it to be but it's straight enough and I prefer it this way. But I digress...
Hmmmmm, maybe it is the relaxer then. Even though I have an inch or so of new growth, the hair isn't as wavy/curly as it normally is
And, I'm not suferring from any breakage due to the different hair textures either. Shoot, if the relaxer really is the culprit, then I will be using Mizani forver!
I think I may see how long I can go w/o getting a touch-up