Calling the weave experts! I got questions!


New Member
I've just decided in the last 5 minutes that I want to get a weave; hopefully it will help me get over the SL hump. I've never had one before so I have a million questions.

*What kind of hair (brands) should I buy? I know I shouldn't get cheap hair, but the thought of $50 packs of hair makes me cringe, cause I got a big head!

*How should my hair be braided underneath? How big should the braids be and what should I do with the ends?

*How do I take care of it, with washing and conditioning and moisturizing? Is it hard to get to the hair underneath the weave? Will I screw up the weave hair when I'm trying to wash and condition my hair underneath?

*How long can I keep it in? When I'm ready for it to come out, do I need to have the stylist do that, or can I do it myself?

*Any suggestions/examples of styles?

Also, Central Florida ladies, any of you know a good person to go to?

I've just decided in the last 5 minutes that I want to get a weave; hopefully it will help me get over the SL hump. I've never had one before so I have a million questions.

*What kind of hair (brands) should I buy? I know I shouldn't get cheap hair, but the thought of $50 packs of hair makes me cringe, cause I got a big head! I liked to use the brands Hair Topic and Sensationel for installs. They matched my texture and lasted a while. However, I made sure to seal the tracks and wash/bleach bath the hair before instaling.

*How should my hair be braided underneath? How big should the braids be and what should I do with the ends? The smaller the braids, the flatter the weave, I would do my braids about the width of a pencil when my hiar was shorter. The ends should be "tacked down" and sewed in between the cornrows.

*How do I take care of it, with washing and conditioning and moisturizing? Is it hard to get to the hair underneath the weave? Will I screw up the weave hair when I'm trying to wash and condition my hair underneath? I recommend getting a coloring bottle. To wash, just fill it w/ half of a moisturizing poo and dilute w/ water. Squeeze it unto your braids and gently work the mixture through. Rinse and then do the same w/ a moisturizing conditioner. The weave should be fine, I know some people braid their weave into a big braid before washing to ensure that it stays untangled.

*How long can I keep it in? When I'm ready for it to come out, do I need to have the stylist do that, or can I do it myself? I keep them in no longer than 6 weeks. I kept in a weave for 3 months once, never again! You can take out the weave yourself, but if it is your first time I would get help either from your stylist or a friend.

*Any suggestions/examples of styles? Depends on what you're looking for, I like to check out the styles on or hair magazines and then plan my style.

Also, Central Florida ladies, any of you know a good person to go to? I'm in Tampa:grin:


My answers are in the bolded, I hope this helps you!
I've just decided in the last 5 minutes that I want to get a weave; hopefully it will help me get over the SL hump. I've never had one before so I have a million questions.

*What kind of hair (brands) should I buy? I know I shouldn't get cheap hair, but the thought of $50 packs of hair makes me cringe, cause I got a big head!

Stick with a more known brand. Go to the store and look at the hair. Check out the texture and color up against your hair. Some brands are not going to blend with your hair texture as well as others. When I was relaxed, I always bought Outre Platinum New Yaki because it was more fine textured like my hair. One of my gfs always bought Milky Way because it looked more coarse like her hair. Since this is your first weave, IDK if I would spring for the $50 hair. You can find a nice moderately priced hair. But if you plan on reusing the hair, and wearing the same style weave later, you'll get your money's worth if you buy the more expensive hair.

*How should my hair be braided underneath? How big should the braids be and what should I do with the ends?

Are you going to the salon? If so, usually the style usually dictates what braid pattern the stylist uses. If you have a part, bang, if it's curly or straight, etc. The easiest way to braid the hair if you're doing it yourself is straight back. But as long as the braids are flat and not too big and bulky it doesn't matter. I found that when I had my hair done and they did the snake or zig zag pattern where the braids go across your head, the braids would get bulkier in the middle the longer my hair got. And sometimes they would unravel right in that spot from washing.

*How do I take care of it, with washing and conditioning and moisturizing? Is it hard to get to the hair underneath the weave? Will I screw up the weave hair when I'm trying to wash and condition my hair underneath?

Wash and condition your hair as often as you do now without the weave. You can use the same products. You can still deep condition. Deep conditioning will also help to keep the weave hair under control so that it doesn't tangle and matt. You might want to scrub a little with your fingers so that you're getting down into the braids. Also make sure that you get all the shampoo and stuff out of there. And make sure it completely dries on the inside too. It's really not as complicated as people think though.

I usually wash in the shower and detangle under the stream of water with a wide toothed comb. I always work from the bottom up. Then I airdry. You can blow dry or sit under the dryer too.

*How long can I keep it in? When I'm ready for it to come out, do I need to have the stylist do that, or can I do it myself?

Since this is your first time, I'd say 6-8 weeks. With proper care, a weave can last up to 12 weeks. But most people don't go that long. If you were to go that long, I would suggest going back to your stylist a few times during that time period for tightening and such. You can take it out yourself if you'd like. You just have to find the thread and cut it. Once you unravel the thread the track will come out. And then you unbraid all the cornrows. If you don't feel comfortable you could always have a friend or relative help you. Or go back to your stylist to get it out.

*Any suggestions/examples of styles?

Do you generally wear your hair straight? Why not just get a straight weave with layers?

Also, Central Florida ladies, any of you know a good person to go to? Sorry can't help you there.
Thanks for your answers ladies! I know we have more experts on here though!

@bmore - I normally have straight hair and I kinda wanted to do something different, like something more curly, but then I don't think I could have hair out since I'm relaxed bone straight. So I'mma probably end up doing a straight style, at least for my first weave.
Thanks for your answers ladies! I know we have more experts on here though!

@bmore - I normally have straight hair and I kinda wanted to do something different, like something more curly, but then I don't think I could have hair out since I'm relaxed bone straight. So I'mma probably end up doing a straight style, at least for my first weave.

That works. If you decide to do a curly one, you can always have your stylist cover all your hair. That's what I do with all my weaves now that I'm natural. It's just easier.
I responded in red!

I've just decided in the last 5 minutes that I want to get a weave; hopefully it will help me get over the SL hump. I've never had one before so I have a million questions.

*What kind of hair (brands) should I buy? I know I shouldn't get cheap hair, but the thought of $50 packs of hair makes me cringe, cause I got a big head! If you don't want to spend a lot of money Outre Premium New Yaki is an ok brand... it will tangle and shed! Stay away from Beverly Johnson and Milky way! If you decide to spend a little more Velvet Remi is is better but, it's on the silky side.

*How should my hair be braided underneath? How big should the braids be and what should I do with the ends? Again this depends on what style you go with. I prefer cornrows braided towards the ear and then brought around to the back... this is great for flat straight styles. Pencil sized braids are good. The ends can be sewn up the cornrow. Ask the stylist how they braid the hair... everyone does it differently.

*How do I take care of it, with washing and conditioning and moisturizing? Is it hard to get to the hair underneath the weave? Will I screw up the weave hair when I'm trying to wash and condition my hair underneath? Never ball/scrunch the weave hair when washing. Gently rub the poo through the hair. The Applicator bottle works miracles with washing your hair. I personally prefer co-washes when I wash. Use a spray moisturizer (CFCG, Hawaiian silky 14 in 1, braid spray). You can moisturize daily or every other day. Just make sure you are consistant! If you are using a bss brand you may want to use a cone based conditioner and serum (this helps with tangling). I hear Silicone mix is good! I haven't tried it though.

*How long can I keep it in? When I'm ready for it to come out, do I need to have the stylist do that, or can I do it myself? I would say 6 weeks at the most seeing as though this is your first install. 6 weeks is my max and I'm a weave queen!

*Any suggestions/examples of styles? try there are a lot of styles there.

Also, Central Florida ladies, any of you know a good person to go to? Sorry I'm in Chicago!

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