Calling ALL Transitioners and Naturals


Hi ladies,

I am new to LHCF and I am slowly transitioning to natural. I haven't had any problems yet with my transitioned hair. I am transitioning because I am tired of overprocessed or underprocessed relaxed hair. I was curious to know the reasons why you ladies are transitioning or transitioned to natural?

Thanks for sharing!

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Length- shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami
I'm transitioning because:

- I've had enough of my hair being the same length
- I want my curls back
- I hate relaxing my hair
- I think relaxing forever would damage my scalp
- Underprocessing (since I switched to lye - big mistake)
- I can mess around with colour more with natural hair
Try to do a search because there are many topics on naturals and transitioners. Later on I will try to help you out by bumping them for you. Congrats to coming over to the napptural side. I think you will like it.
Welcome! Being a long hair fanatic, I saw what going natural did for my mom's hair before she passed, so I wanted to see what it would do for mine, and here I am. I tried it once before as an adolescent to see if I could get "water-wave" hair, lol, remember that? Well then it didn't seem to work, but now, I think I might be able to improvise.
i want to transition because:

-its been my goal since the new year started
-im tired of damaging my hair with relaxing and having to start all over
-im tired of putting up with hairdressers and their nasty attitudes
-i think my hair feels and is the healthiest when it is natural
-i just want something different(a different look and something most women dont have)
-im tired of worrying about over and under processing my hair from relaxing
-im tired of my hair just stopping at a certain length i want my hair back from when i was a little was past my shoulders and even though it was fine it felt thick...
Thank you DDHair. I look at my daughter's hair and then at mine and say why, why can I have hair like hers. She gets her hair from my husband's side of the family. They have mexican/indian background.

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Length- shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami
MzTami said:
Thank you DDHair. I look at my daughter's hair and then at mine and say why, why can I have hair like hers. She gets her hair from my husband's side of the family. They have mexican/indian background.

What don't you like about your hair?
It's not thick, It has never grew pass my shoulders. It's not healthy. I Hope transitioning brings a new life to it.

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Length- shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami
Thanks for answering. Good luck with your transition. Hoping for you that you find yourself with a head full of healthy hair that you love! HHG...
I'm natural becuase:

-My hair is so pretty (thick, curly, wavy)
-I was tired of relaxing (there were parts of my hair that just never took to perming)
-The smell of my relaxed hair when it was wet reminded me of a wet dog. :nono:
-My hair was ALWAYS breaking
-I spent $100's of dollars on so called "Split End Serums" and "Damage Relief Cremes" and the truth of the matter is you cannot repair damaged hair.

This is the best decision I've made. My family doesn't agree, but it's my head. :)
I am transitioning because:

-I am tired of the hard work of relaxing my hair.
-I am afraid the chemicals in the relaxer could possibly do some bodily harm over time.
-I love the versatility of natural hair.
-I want to experience my hair natural.
-Ready for a change...instead of long relaxed hair I would much rather have long NATURAL hair. :D
Since I've already stated it on DSylla's thread, I guess it would make the most sense to restate it here (apologies to those who've already seen it):

I am transitioning because relaxed hair is no longer "me." It is an personal journey for me, and every new quarter inch of texture I see, I fall more in love with myself--it is authenically "me." It's interesting actually, because tending to my two textures during this process has forced me to spend more time cultivating "me." In my chaotic world (school, the men folks, work, community needs, church, family, etc.), forcing myself to patiently detangle my hair (although I hate it), painstakingly researching tools and tactics for my transitioning journey...has allowed me to uncover a new level of self of which I was previously unaware. Being able work with my own hair makes me feel more in control of at least ONE thing in my life. Over the years, l have learned to love my lips, my African cheekbones, my nose, my body shape. Now, I am learning to love my kinks, my coils, my curls, and my naps.

I will add: I'm loving this journey! :)
- I think back to how healthy my hair was as a little girl and when I went completely natural in 2002 (I stopped perming my hair in 2000)
- I like to be able to go from curly to straight, or straight to curly
- My hair remains the same length with a relaxer, the two times when I was completely natural my hair was down to my waist
- The left side of my hair thins and will no grow with the relaxer (does anybody know why?!)
Thank you ladies for replying. I don't feel that I get the maximum potential from my hair when it's relaxed. I am anxious to know my hair's true natural potential.

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Texture-2b/medium???4b/medium ( I haven't figured it out yet)
Length- 2 inches pass shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami
I transitioned to natural primarily because I didn't feel like putting in any extra work to maintain my hair- for me that meant wrapping, going to the salon, etc. I think relaxed or natural hair is gorgeous when properly taken care of, but I think natural hair is a lot more forgiving- (if that makes any sense) if for a short phase (and I do mean short) you don't give it as much TLC as u may normally.
I transitioned because I no longer wanted to deal with relaxers. I was inspired by other naturals' hair albums and decided I wanted to grow my natural hair long. I didn't want to still be worrying about touchups years from now. I started to just wait until I was older to go natural, but I had this feeling that when I finally decided to do it I would look back and say, "If only I had started this journey years earlier, my hair would be x length by now." It's the same feeling I had when I joined LHCF and started learning all this new stuff about hair care and I kept thinking, "If only I had known about all this earlier, my hair would be x length by now."

Well, now's my chance. It's been almost 2 years since my last relaxer (I'll be celebrating my anniversary next month :yep: ), and it hardly feels like that long at all. That's why I don't shy away from long term goals. You'll be busy with life in the meantime, and the time will just fly by.

I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I have a tendency to do that sometimes :lol:
Thank you Peachtree and thanks for replying to my post.

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Texture-2b/medium???4b/medium ( I haven't figured it out yet)
Length- 2 to 3 inches pass shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami
I transitioned because:
-I was tired of having bone straight hair
-I was tired of putting chemicals in my hair every 10-12 weeks.
-I was tired of spending so much time in the hair salon
-My relaxed hair always seemed thin and dry
-I love my natural hair.
I am natural because

- I am worried about the harm that the chemicals in relaxers do to my body
- I have beautiful nappy hair
- It makes me stand out
- It is soooo much easier to care for (for me)
- I don't have to worry about being extra extra careful so my hair doesn't break
I am transitioning because:

-I'm tired of perming my hair and all the upkeep that comes with permed hair
-I've always preferred 'puffy/pouffy' hair and not bone straight
-It's about time I did something I really wanted to do
-I want to see my natural hair
-I want my daughters (and my sons) to see an alternative to society's standard of beauty
im transitioning because:
-im sick of having my hairline receed because the relaxer damages the hairline and its growth
-im sick of straight hair-relaxers did nothing but break my hair off and make it not grow
-because i love my natural texture
-because straightening it makes me ignore my puerto rican and black heritage and adjust to a different societal standard of beauty (although my big sis still hasnt realized this..)
-im willing to finally be myself and i feel im more beautiful inside because im not afraid of what everyone thinks
-because everyone tells women with beautiful natural hair to relax it- "youve got so much hair" or "what you gonna do with all that hair" they cant stand to see someone happy with what they have so they try to damage it
-because im 19 and i know in my heart and mind i have time to change and its best to start now before i get much older and lose touch with myself
-because my hair looks like beautifully curled vines
-im sick of the scabbed scalp, the dry ends, the pain, the weeks and months to get my real texture back
-because i actually saw one girls online album that made me want
to never harm my hair again
You ladies are inspirational. I am glad that I am making the transition.

Thank you all for the replies.

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Length- shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.
I wish I knew then what I know now!

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami
Today i decided that want to avoid relaxing for the next five years.
- i want to see how long my natural hair can get
- i'm sick of chemicals ruining my hairline
- i don't want any setbacks on my way to waistlength
asphyxxia said:
Today i decided that want to avoid relaxing for the next five years.
- i want to see how long my natural hair can get
- i'm sick of chemicals ruining my hairline
- i don't want any setbacks on my way to waistlength

Good for you! Why 5 years instead of forever?

Last relaxer- 07/02/2005
Length- shoulder
Goal-shoulder length 100% natural healthy hair.
I wish I knew then what I know now!

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t, than live my life as if there isn’t and die to find out there is!- unknown
password: mztami