As many of you know I am new here... i just got my first bottle of mane and tail moisturizing conditioner... I don't know why I picked that out of the several different products... There's so many to choose from! So little time! EVEN LESS MONEY!!!:feedback: So let us narrow this down... Which do you use? Why and when do you use them? Pros and cons for as many as you can please! I'm not putting a poll I would like for this to be open-ended response... the teacher in me is screaming out because its summer break and I have no hands to call on when I ask questions lol:dork:.

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Deep Moisturizing Shampoo
  • Deep Moisturizing Conditioner
  • Detangler
  • Hair Strengthener
  • Shine On
  • Olive Oil Creme
  • Replenishing Conditioner
  • Herbal Gro System
  • Braid Sheen Spray
  • Hair Dressing
  • Herbal gro and Maximum herbal gro
  • Carrot Oil Creme
  • Revitalizing Creme
  • Reconstructor
  • Gentle Clarifying Shampoo
  • Shea Butter and Aloe Creme
  • Anti-dandruff
  • 2 in 1 anti dandruff shampoo + conditioner
Thanks everyone... looking forward to your response!!!!
I used the Deep Moisturizing Shampoo last year. It was okay but I really don't use shampoo that much any more.:ohwell: I use the detangling spray when I take my braids down. It really helps with the tangles.:up:

I haven't used the original Mane and Tail shampoo and condish in years but I remember my hair being very strong (I guess because of the protein).
I use the conditioner and I add coconut oil in it. I will use these two together until I die. I will be getting the detangler as soon as I get my $:grin:
I am in LOVE with the detangler. I used it for the first time last friday on a whim and it is a keeper. Not only did it melt all my tangles away. it gave my hair a little moisture as well.
Hi !:hiya2: Yes, I have the Moisturizing Conditioner and the Olive Oil Growth Theraphy Leave In Treatment Creme.

I love them both. I use the Moisturizing Conditioner for my Co-Wash. And I use the Olive Oil Growth Treatment Creme either for Baggying and now daily, for my daily treatment.

Overall, I think it's a good product.:yep:
I use to original mixed with coconut oil to cowash with and leave a little bit in to make combing easier. I've never had any problems with it and it is my go to product when I venture out and use something new that my hair dislikes. It always makes my hair feel normal again
The Mane N' Tail Conditioner makes an excellent CoWash Conditioner. Used it this weekend. Will definitely keep this one in my arnesal of good yet inexpensive products.

I rotate this conditioner with Millcreek Keratin for my Protein CoWashes. Both Always produce nice, strong, soft hair.:yep:
The detangler, more so when I am far into a stretch.

The Original Conditioner and Replenishing Conditioner for CO washes only(for now).
I use the Mane n Tail Moisturizing/Texturizing Conditioner to co-wash whenever I need a little bit of protein

I use the Mane n Tail Carrot Creme when I do buns and sometimes to moisturize

I use the Mane n Tail Moisturizing/Texturizing Conditioner to co-wash whenever I need a little bit of protein

I use the Mane n Tail Carrot Creme when I do buns and sometimes to moisturize


WOW! Haven't seen the Carrot Creme! Will look for this one. But I Absolutely Love the Olive Oil Complex Herbal Gro Therapy Creme. It's wonderful.:lick:
I use the texturizing conditioner too. I use it for co-washes about once a week and it adds just enough protein to make my hair nice and strong.

I bought the detangling spray but have yet to use it.
I use the original shampoo and conditioner as well as the deep moisturizing conditioner and the detangler.

So far, no cons. My hair gets the light protein it needs. The products keep my hair soft, clean, and shiny. I don't use the detangler often since the other products keep my hair free from tangles.

It's a great product line.