Calling all long-haired past and current transitioners


Well-Known Member
I searched for a post like this but didn't really see anything. All us transitioners are in the struggle together, but I especially wanted to send out encouragement for my "past shoulder length" transitioning sisters. We battle two demons: not only the "what you gonna do with that nappy hurr?" demon, but the "baby, why you wanna cut off all 'dat purty hurr?" demon too! And if you have nerve to want to cut it off for 4a/4b natural hair, faggitaboutit! :eek:

If you are currently, or were, a long-haired transitioner, can you post here? I know there are several, but it's hard to remember where I saw "that" cute style, or how she handled "this" problem, so I though we might be able to consolidate in this thread as well as share issues, concerns, and challenges.

I'll go first in another post!
I had long hair when I was transitioning. Before I came to this board it was just past bra strap. Then after I did a trim to above bra strap, I found this board and soon after that, I did the big chop.

That big chop was hard to get around to. I kept thinking, let me just wait a little longer because I couldn't believe that I was going to have to chop off so much hair! I was really attached to the length and I had never had short hair. I thought I wouldn't look good with it. But once it was down to a choice: healthy short hair OR long half relaxed (and about to break off), stressed out hair....I chose healthy hair.

During my transition I wore buns mostly, but also twists and twist outs. I tried to use different hair accessories to change those buns up a bit. But I was mostly putting my hair up. I was busy with the moisturizing, too. Without that, I wouldn't have made it as long as I did.

I can say this: I am glad that I waited as long as I did to chop, but I am so happy now that I've done it. I actually look okay in short hair and my husband LOVES it. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday now and thinks I look so much better with my natural hair.

So, it is HARD to cut it. But when you are ready, it's worth it. I know some people cut in stages (more than I did) and that just gets them ready for shorter hair. Then there are those who don't chop but just keep trimming until there is no more relaxed hair left. I guess everyone has to figure what is right for them.
Thanks for posting first Cichelle! You were one of the main long haired transitioners I was thinking about. So I'm not first, but here's my story.

I'm probably about 5" past shoulder length and transitioning for 19 weeks. I haven't had any problems so far, but I expect that to change once I get my twists out at the end of the month and start manipulating my two textures for real (I just did ponytails and buns my first 14 weeks). My hope is to transition for 8 more months, cutting 1-2" off the bottom monthly, depending on how much new growth I have that month. Of course, if my hair health turns for the worse, I will need to do the BC before that. I haven't had anyone yet question my decision (although people know better than to try anyway, and I have extremely supportive friends and family), but still I've been trying to prepare them anyway, saying "you know that my hair's going to be shorter than you've ever seen it, right?" "You know that my natual hair's not gonna look like "this" right?" ;)

Although I've never considered myself to be 'long hair obsessed' (my stylists' used to joke "why is it that girls with long hair don't care nothin' about long hair :grin: ), I do think I am so used to having had longish hair my whole life that I think it has become a part of my identity-a key part of my physical descriptor--to my family, to men, to my friends. It will be weird losing it, and I think part of the reason I'm trying a longish transition is to get used to the change mentally. I think I'll look great with shorter hair, but it's still a drastic change.
Cheleigh said:
I haven't had anyone yet question my decision (although people know better than to try anyway, and I have extremely supportive friends and family), but still I've been trying to prepare them anyway, saying "you know that my hair's going to be shorter than you've ever seen it, right?" "You know that my natual hair's not gonna look like "this" right?" ;)

I did the exact same thing!

Good luck with your transition. It's so helpful when you have supportive family and friends. I was lucky to have them too. I look forward to keeping up with your journey and giving you congrats when you finally reach your goal!
I was a long hair transitioner. My hair was a couple inches past shoulder length, never quite made it to bra strap length. Good luck with the rest of your transition.
Cheleigh said:
I searched for a post like this but didn't really see anything. All us transitioners are in the struggle together, but I especially wanted to send out encouragement for my "past shoulder length" transitioning sisters. We battle two demons: not only the "what you gonna do with that nappy hurr?" demon, but the "baby, why you wanna cut off all 'dat purty hurr?" demon too!

Great post! I go through this daily...:nono:....but I'm hanging in there though! :D :clap: I'm still excited about being natural, in spite of the ignorance of others! :woot:
My hair was about armpit length when I officially decided to transition. It was bsl in the back by the time I did the big chop. I transitioned for a year and a half and bc'd this past Easter. I didn't really want to wear a twa, and I was used to having at least shoulder length hair. I was planning to go for about 2 years originally, but I was ready before then :yep: Even though my hair was the shortest it has ever been (as far back as I can remember at least), it wasn't SO much shorter that it bothered me. I had my hair cut into a shoulder length bob back in 8th grade, and after my bc my hair wasn't much shorter than that. Plus it was a good length for wash n go puffs, and as long as I could do a style that I liked easily then it was good for me.

Actually doing my bc wasn't that hard because, like I said, I was ready. I started getting the itch right around the time I realized I had reached bsl. That was my original relaxed hair goal when I joined the board, and something about finally reaching that point gave me a sense of "closure" on my relaxed hair journey, even though I was technically about half natural and half relaxed when I finally made it.

I guess I'm lucky in that none of my friends or family have ever had anything negative to say about me going natural. Everyone has been supportive and says that they like my hair :yep:
My current goal is to get to armpit length again (almost there in the back!), but I already know that it won't stop there :grin: I just might let it grow until it won't get any longer, or until I decide it's too long for me to deal with every day. I think I might actually be more long hair obsessed now than I was before :lol:
I'm a long-haired transitioner, and I have an album update coming soon. :) I've learned to cope with my two textures.
(please forgive any repetitiveness in this post because i haven't read thru the entire thread.)

i transitioned about 6 to 7 years ago. at the time, my hair was about 3.5 inches past shoulder length. everyone told me i'd have to chop it off and start from scratch, but i was adamant that i was NOT going to cut off all my hair! previously i was getting relaxers as often as once/month - which was doing nothing for my hair. then i went to every 3 months, eventually getting re-touches only twice a year. then i just said forget it. at the time, wanakee was very "in" so i ordered her stuff and just used those methods - and i guess looked a bit 'crazy' (because i wasn't slicking my hair line down, so it was all frizzy and crazy looking - i didn't know any better.)

regardless - my hair was so healthy as i transitioned! it grew like MAD!!! i never had to BC, just got small trims every 8-12 weeks.

knowing what i do now (and still learning from the great women on this board) all i was doing was keeping my hair moisturized and deep conditioned. anyway, it paid off. for a while i intentionally kept my hair about 4 inches from bra-strap length. its much longer now.
I am a long-haired current transitioner. I am just tired of the chemicals. I had been relaxing my hair every 3 months. I have opted to transition without the BC. I think in December I will begin trimming regularly to get rid of the relaxed ends. Until then, I am just maintaining my hair.
I am a long haired transitioner my last relaxer was Dec 1 04 and I am not going to do the big chop. My hair is more texturized than relaxed (even though I relaxed it to the ends) so the texture difference is very minor the big problem for me is humidity, my hair just puffs right up. I wear wash n go's, braid outs, rollersets, 2 strand twists, braids...everything really. Just not bone straight styles...that is the only thing I miss about relaxing.
I was a long haired transitioner but I only transitioned a little under 3 months. I was just tired of relaxing my hair. I was 28y/o and I had a relaxer for 22 years. I did rollersets with airdrying, buns and bantu knot-outs during that time. -- jainygirl
I'se nervous!

Okay ladies---

On Sunday I'm taking down my braids, and I want to do a trim of the ends after my wash & condition My hair hasn't been trimmed since April. I've never trimmed my own hair. I want to take at least an inch off. Does anyone have advice on how (the process) I should trim?

And...I'm going to try my first transition style on Sunday--since March I've just stuck my hair in a high bun or ponytail (after blow drying and a light flat iron). I'm going to try a braid-out or twist out and air dry. I have had braids in since I've been amassing all this knowledge, so I now have all these products and hair albums at the ready for the first time. I realize I'm excited (like I'm dreaming about it every night, how weird, you'd think I was doing the BC), but a little scared about how my trim and style might come out. :o
I had about brastrap length hair when I started transitioning. Thank God I had that hair cause all I did was put it into a bun. I chopped after about 18 months of transitioning. I got all those "why" questions but it didn't bother me at all because I knew my goal. When it's time to chop you know. I also was (still am) an album stalker. To figure out how to do styles. I'm still learning though but it is fun, I don't regret a thing.
I'm a long haired transitioner, my hair is currently 3.5 inches away from BSL. Last touch-up was last week, I know fairly new transitioner. :)

I've been stretching my touch-ups for 6 months for the last 2 years to give my hair & scalp a break from chemiclas and to prevent overlapping, so transitioning isnt all that new to me or hard for me, I figure if I really want to give my hair the ultimate break from chemcials is to stop using them! :lol:

And I just cant see myself relaxing my hair when I'm 40,50,60 etc..,Im also curious to see what my hair will look like 100% natural. I plan on transitioning w/o doing the BC, and I will start to trim sometime early next year by trimming 2 inches every 4 months, this should speed up the process slighty. It should take 18-24 months max, thats kinda long but I'm happily prepared to go through that process. :)
I'm a long-hair transitioner. But my friend tempts me everyday with her sexy curly puff! She looks so carefree and naturally pretty.
As far as styles, I do braidouts with the occasional blowout. I made a deal with myself to only get blowouts if it includes a trim.
LH have you been wearing your hair lately?

What's your hairstyle you've most often worn in the past several weeks?

Those who've read my twist removal disaster post know that those are gone. Now I'm wearing a braid out with curled ends using a couple of flexi-rods. It finally is sarting to look cute (better than the photos I took yesterday). I like how my hair is (finally) starting to look, but concerned about damaged ends with this style.
I trainsitioned for 10 mons.... I couldn't take the relaxed ends anymore ... and My natural hair was long enough by then .. I love it .. i'm glad I didn't wait anymore .. my big chop was for September ...
but I cut in June
This is a GREAT thread! My hair was barely touching my shoulders so i don't qualify as a long hair transitioner, in fact I decided to transition before it got too long...LOL......however, I'm excited about transitioning...I will never put scissors to my head so I'm in it for the long haul.

I'll be updating my pics soon and will show you that I don't need scissors, the ends are just falling off themselves...praise God!
Long haired transitioner. Im past shoulder but not bra strap (Im 5'10" that would be some long hair). I am learning and enjoying the roller sets. I got the perm rod set down packed now. I'll be moving onto the other sets until my hair gets long enough for a bun. (layered before I transitioned....) Im thinking 18-20 months for mine. I want at least 9 inches before I cut the rest off.
Keep on keeping on!

I haven't read all the posts, but here's my 2p! I had almost shoulder length-ish hair when I grew the relaxer out from a short cut. By then my friends and close fam knew I was going natural and they know I'm the determined type and left me alone for the most part. I STILL get (after over 8 yrs) get the "you don't do much with your hair" :rolleyes: but I just had to decide for myself 1) Why I was going natural 2) Was I going to cave in to other's negative ideas of my natural hair texture.

Happy growing!
My hair is actually LONGER than it was when I started transitioning--now it's near APL. Apparently, all the moisture and stuff I'm doing to my hair is encouraging growth, even though I'm taking 2.5" off every other month.

Still chopping in March. I'm sort of sad to let the length go, but I keep remembering that my length does NOT define the beauty of my hair!

I keep my hair bunned up now most of the time because I'm lazy, and as it gets longer (really I mean BIGGER), I'm less equiped to style it. I realized last night when I was plaiting my guy pal's hair that I'm really not so equiped to braid thick natural hair after braiding relaxed hair so long. Although my hair will not be as thick as his (I have thinner hair and not quite as curly), it will be thick enough that I'm relearning how to braid thick hair (maybe he can be my guinea pig)!

The rare times I take down my hair, some folks are really wondering why I want to chop it--I think they want to see me be a multi-textured mess forever (and forever wearning buns, I suppose).

The hardest part is that I now realize that my guy pal will have longer natural hair than I! :look:
Now that's a darn shame.