Calling ALL HENNA users!


New Member

I am interested in trying Henna...
Can someone tell me the benefits of using it?
What brand or kind of Henna is the most beneficial?
Cassia vs. regular Henna?
How to mix it and what the consistency of the mixture should be?
How to apply?
How often should I use it?


I am also having an issue with the ends of my hair. On one strand of hair there will be a knot close to the end of the stand and some close to the middle of the stand? what could be causing this? Any ideas?

Thanks soooo much!!!

I am interested in trying Henna...
Can someone tell me the benefits of using it?
What brand or kind of Henna is the most beneficial?
Cassia vs. regular Henna?
How to mix it and what the consistency of the mixture should be?
How to apply?
How often should I use it?


I am also having an issue with the ends of my hair. On one strand of hair there will be a knot close to the end of the stand and some close to the middle of the stand? what could be causing this? Any ideas?

Thanks soooo much!!!

You can just search the forums for the topic, b/c there's a lot of info on here about it. You can also go to:
this is where I got all my info on henna. Catherine (site owner) sells BAQ (body art quality) which is the best especially if you have a relaxer or commercial colors, your hair won't be ruined when you use the henna.
I have found that FNOL: sells BAQ henna for MUCH cheaper then Catherine. I have tried Henna and other stuff from both and the quality is equal, but the price is SOOOO MUCH CHEAPER ON FROM NATURE WITH LOVE!!!

Here's the link to the "mixes" page:

here's the link for the henna forum that you can search to help answer any other questions you have:

this is something new that Catherine has put up. Now I didn't check the price, but BAQ henna is BAQ henna no matter how it's packaged. Just be sure that if you are gonna order from her, she doesn't charge you more for the "pre-packaged" henna off this page I'm posting the link to:


I am interested in trying Henna...
Can someone tell me the benefits of using it?
What brand or kind of Henna is the most beneficial?
Cassia vs. regular Henna?
How to mix it and what the consistency of the mixture should be?
How to apply?
How often should I use it?


I am also having an issue with the ends of my hair. On one strand of hair there will be a knot close to the end of the stand and some close to the middle of the stand? what could be causing this? Any ideas?

Thanks soooo much!!!

It conditions, strengthens, and smooths your hair strands - giving them the vaunted 'henna bling'.

What brand or kind of Henna is the most beneficial? Hrrm. Personally, I like to stick with BAQ (Body Art Quality) henna. My favorite supplier is FromNatureWithLove - they have rather cheap prices, and good quality.

Cassia vs. regular Henna? Cassia, because it doesn't have the dye molecules that henna does, doesn't impart the same strengthening and shining benefits of henna. It is however, very conditioning, and for some people whose hair dries out with using henna, cassia is a good second choice.

How to mix it and what the consistency of the mixture should be? There are SO many mixes out there. My favorite, for my fine, relatively dry hair is - 1/4 cup of henna, mixed with about 1/4 cup of water plus a bit, to make a VERY thick paste. Let that sit til the color releases, then I dump in about 3/4 cup of a cheapie conditioner, and mix it all together. It makes a VERY thick, but smooth mix - about the consistency of a super thick conditioner.

How to apply?
I use the highly techinical smoosh and slather method of application. :lol: I'll sometimes part my hair to make sure it really gets on the roots - but it's more fun to smoosh and slather. ;) If you plan on using your hands to apply, PLEASE wear gloves. PLEASE. :lol: Trust me.

How often should I use it?
IT depends on your hair. I find that for me, henna acts as a medium protein treatment, and so I only use it every other month, right now. I started with doing it every week, and ran into 'henna overload' - my hair got VERY stiff and hard, and started breaking :nono:. I shifted it to once a month, and my hair really enjoyed that. It fits better in my reggi every other month now though, esp. as I start to use more protein heavy products in my hair.

Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions....
WOW!! thanks for all of the great info!! I will be ordering some today from the nature with love site... hopefully i dont screw it up! lol :grin:
