Calling All BIOTIN USERS!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm rather new to the board but got very excited about the biotin. I ordered the pp biotin and just started taking 5000 mcg's on monday. As I go through the discussions on other topics on the board. I find good and negative information about the biotin. My question is which B vitamin is best to control breakouts (havent had any yet, but just in case) and will drinking so much water flush the biotin out of my system thereby defeating the purpose for which I'm taking the biotin. Any information would be gladly appreciated.
thanks in advance
I really like the PP Biotin. My hair and nails are growing. I attribute part of my success to PP biotin. I really don't have answer to your question. But I would suggest doing a search on B Vitamin or Biotin. Many of your questions may have been answered in past threads. Welcome to the board. The ladies are like sisters here. Very supportive.
Don't skimp on water. Your body should be able to abstract the Biotin it needs regardless of how much water you drink. Don't forget, your hair also needs water to grow healthy, and since hair and nails aren't vital organs, they are the last to get nutrients. And if you're taking biotin daily, it should never be all washed out.