Calling all Airdryers... what is your regime???


New Member
Hi guys,
I really need a good air drying regime that will leave my hair soft and shiny with no fizzy ends.
Pleae post and let me know what works for you (products/ combing/ head scarf). My hair is also too short for the ponytail method and is type 4.
I airdry using the ponytail method. I do CO wash at night, then I spray some (right now) Mothion Leave - In Condionter all over my hair, then I rub some Hot Six Oil and comb into a ponytail adding a little oil on the ends, when 85% dry I section each part and put a little (right now) EQ Mango Butter on the end and roll my hair and go to sleep. I also each night grease my scrape but I may be stopping that, not sure yet.

eeek.. the last time i tried to do a roller set myself.. my hair was already dry by the time I was on my second. row.. In other words.. i really suck..
I'm about 95% dry now because I washed my hair this morning. I used the Neurtogena shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioner on my hair. After these products my hair is very soft and easy to comb through. I apply QPs mango butter to my edges to give it a sleak gel look and then I put my hair in a ponytail letting the hair hang out. It' really hot here, close to 90 (so someone told me) and my hair is incredibly soft and shinny. I've gotten tons of compliments all day. I just started with the whole airdrying thing and I can honestly say that today has been the best. I use to use the mango butter on my ends but it works moreso like a gel than a moisturizer for my ends; it leaves it a little stiff. My hair hair is still easy to comb through and I'm just about dry. With days like this I feel I can wash my hair everyday.
I do daily CO washes and I use the ponytail method to dry. I'm a type 4, also. I have a pretty simple routine and I always love the results. Here's what I do:

First I apply Suave coconut conditioner and massage in for 5 minutes. I then mix a few drops of the Suave with some apple cider vinegar (about 1/2 oz) and mix w/ about 8oz of water. I then pour the mixture over my hair. I don't rinse the mixture out. Towel dry then apply my leave ins. I spray Surge on my scalp, apply Giovanni leave in all over and a little QP Mango Butter to my ends then apply some Wildgrowth oil. Comb thru then put hair in two ponytails, twist and pin up the ends, then apply a satin scarf. When hair is about 90% dry, I apply some more Wildgrowth oil and put the scarf back on until completely dry. I just recently found out that the key to my hair drying so straight is the satin scarf. I think that what happens is that the scarf traps in the moisture while holding the hair in place.
I condition wash with Suave Milk & Honey.
Apply Salerm 21 leave in (love this)
Let hair try in a ponytail or sometimes I braid it.
Spray with Sta So Fro and apply Profectiv Healthy End to my ends to keep them from splitting.
Wrap hair in satin scarf.
im lazy and my air never dries because i wash it everyday

sometimes i use the ponytail method and the next day use caruso rollers for curl. Then i throw serum (any brand will do) in my hair (or coconut oil) for shine.
I air dry my hair in a ponytail. I put a little oil on it, and sometimes a bit of conditioner on the ends (if I'm tucking them up).

Xena, if your hair is too short for one ponytail, you might be able to try using 2 or 3 smaller ponytails instead