bye, bye, brittle jacked up ends... (pic update)


New Member
Hi ladies,
Well I finally took out the twists that I had put in on Dec 24th. I took them out because I really didn't like how my hair looks super short in the twists and that my ends (which have a texturizer on them) don't swell and curl like I'd like. So anyways, I thought I'd share yesterday's experience.
1. No one told me that detangling twists after they have been in for awhile is really difficult- it took my 2.5 hours to finger comb my hair!
2. I washed my hair with Optimum super protecting shampoo which is probably drying but it was the only thing I had. I washed my hair in braids.
3. I conditioned with Humecto under a drying for 20 minutes. My thoughts- it's not all that and a bag of chips. Maybe my expectations were unrealistic or maybe it's a better product for relaxed hair because I definately didn't get butter soft hair after using it. That said it did detangle well.
4. I put some stuff called Culture on my hair after I rinsed out the conditioner. I think I bought it in a fit of product junkism.
5. I blow dryed at a warm setting in sections- but I didn't do the back well because I still have twist tangles.
6. I flat ironed with my Solia iron using Aveda anti humetant pomade.

And then...
I whipped out my scissors, parted my hair in half, combed on side flat and then cut about 2.5 inches (all that I could stomach at once). then, taking advice attained in Don't Speak Defeat's journal, I put all of my hair in a low ponytail, slide it down, and then trimmed the other side to make it "even". my front hairs were shorter already so a did a shorter trim in front- those hairs barely past my chin. My hair isn't even but trust me it's way better than before.
I wish I had figure out what was wrong with my camera yesterday because it looked way better- I can't wrap my hair to save my life!
Anyways- the results are in my album.
My overall thoughts are-
1. my hair is super duper dry and I'm experiencing evil breakage so I think I'm going to may a version of Cathy Howse conditioner and leave it on for an hour next week.
2. I guess my starting point is armpit length (not sure about length terminology)
3. if i twist my hair again it's going to be for purposes of a twist out because the tangles were killer.
4. i wanted to say goodbye to my dryer but my hair just takes forever to dry and it's 30 degrees in dc- it's definately going to be in my routine for the next couple of months.
Thanks Chinagem. I used Solia. I think it looks good but my hair doesn't have the movement it has after a press. That said this was my first flat iron attempt in 2 years. I literally went from braids to salon press for a week to braids for 2 years. If anyone has any advice on how to flat iron well, it would be much appreciated.
Kristina your hair looks awesome. Do you mind sharing your braid regiem and your process for removing braids. :grin:
Thanks- well as a newbie to all of this (I think my hair grows in spite of what I do not because of it) I do the following when I take out my braids:
1. I satuate my hair in olive oil and make sure it's on my hair for a few hours before I start unbraiding
2. I make sure I give myself lots of time. Since I'm in school I usually wait until I have a break, which is one of the reasons I used to leave my braids on way too long (5 months long), which has left my hair super dry. It takes me at least 2-3 days to take my braids out- and that's working on it for 10 hours a day min.
3. the easy part is taking out the braid- the critical part (especially after leaving in for a hundred years) is detangling the dreadlocked knots at the top. I do this one braid at a time, holding the knot and gently pulling the unknotted hairs out of the knot- this is why it takes so darn long. I once had a "friend" who took to my hair with a wide toothed comb----she easier combed out 1/3 of my hair.