BSS run - What should I get?


New Member
Ok I'm excited. Can't you tell
My dear sweet man gave me $40 and told me to go wild in the BSS. Problem is, I don't know what to get! So far I have this list:

St. Ives Vanilla and Edelweiss or Aloe and Echinacea
Herbal Essences Intensive Conditioning Balm
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle

I don't think I'll find anything except the 3 Minute Miracle and LUST in the BSS so any other suggestions? So far I have enough shampoos (CON in both Professional Normal and Ultra Moisturizing) and a bottle of serum - Fantasia IC Hair Polish. I do need something to calm these itchies of mine but have no idea what would be good for that.
Get the new Profectiv 3 Phase Oil. I finally found it at Sally's and I love it. Also get their Healthy ends. I like that one.

Do you use Kemi products? I ordered their Kemi System and got the Moyst shampoo and contitioner, a small bottle of kemi-oyl, the procidic spray and the Condtioning spray all for $17. I like the conditioner the best.

Also get a shower comb and a heat cap too if you don't have one. I am in love with my heating cap.

Have fun.

Also get a shower comb and a heat cap too if you don't have one. I am in love with my heating cap.

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I have a Mastex heating cap already but what's a shower comb? Never seen one.
Oh geez they only sell those at Sally's right? Sally's is across town from where I'm planning to go (Britt, if you're reading this I'm going to Just For Me! LOL).
Oh geez they only sell those at Sally's right? Sally's is across town from where I'm planning to go (Britt, if you're reading this I'm going to Just For Me! LOL).

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LOL sh***t,
GIrl, I swear that store is like crack for me. I mean they have everything. They know me up in there. I see that the Herbal essences balm is very popular, but i dont think i have seen it before, does it come in a bottle like the rest of thier stuff? Also what is LUST I keep seeing people mentioning this product.
Have fun


With the St. Ives and the Clairol Herbal Essences products, hit the nearest grocery store or drugstore. I don't think they sell these in the BSS.

Knock yourself out having fun with some bucks!

Omg i wish the money fairy would drop $100 on my lap. i would be so happy. of course i have enough stuff to open up my own salon but a girl can never have too many things for her hair.
well as long as she is not using them all at once.
God bless you all.

With the St. Ives and the Clairol Herbal Essences products, hit the nearest grocery store or drugstore. I don't think they sell these in the BSS.

Knock yourself out having fun with some bucks!


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Believe it or not, I found both of them in the BSS. They also have the Aloe and E (shortened because I'm too lazy to type it all out lol) too but I only got the Vanilla one. The Duane Reade, Rite Aid and CVS by me didn't have it.

I got everything but the LUST on my list plus:

2 Hi-Pro-Pac sample packets(wasn't ready to get the full tube just yet)
A new spray bottle because SOMEONE in my house decided to use my old one for Pine-Sol. The nerve!
A new nail file with the buffer on the back because I'm vain like that LOL
Miss Key 10 en 1

and last but definitely not least:

Clairol Natural Instincts in Rosewood just because I have a need to dye my hair but I wanna start off slow

And I didn't even break $30! I'm proud of myself