

Well-Known Member
It seems like all it does is take my hair out. My mother swears up and down that if I brush my hair everyday it will grow. Even when I was relaxed I still felt brushing took out too much of my hair. I heard brushing is good to distribute the oils throughout the hair. But for me I think it does more harm than good. I can't even remember the last time I brushed my hair. So do you brush and does your hair benefit from it or you feel the way I do about brushing?
I only brush the front of my hair to get my hair to lay down. Other than that I have never been very fond of brushes.
chocolate01 said:
I only brush the front of my hair to get my hair to lay down. Other than that I have never been very fond of brushes.

same here. and i use a soft bristle brush.
I brush with a soft boar's hair bristle brush to distribute the oil on my scalp to my hair. Otherwise, my scalp itches like mad. :( I don't brush a lot, just a few strokes per section.
Queenie said:
I brush with a soft boar's hair bristle brush to distribute the oil on my scalp to my hair. Otherwise, my scalp itches like mad. :( I don't brush a lot, just a few strokes per section.

Same here. I only brush my hairline to keep it slicked when either wearing a ponytail or a bun. Plus it depends of the type of brush you use. Nylon brushes are murder on your hair because they can be very damaging if you use it on a daily basis. Other than that, I don't do it very often.

Same here, I only use a brush to smooth my sides down when I wear it up and that's it...I'm not a big fan of brushing my hair.
Brushes made my hairline thin. I used to think the stiffer the better but it is the exact opposite. I used brushing for detangling in the past. Can you imagine?
I do not brush my hair; I don't see the point. I can get the same, if not better results, from my seamless combs.
When relaxed I use a faux boar's bristle brush. It does spread the oils from my scalp to roots w/o pulling out too much.
[size=+1]I do...I have always used a brush with no problems. I even use it on my daughter. Since I where my hair up a lot..."I needs ma brush!"[/size]
nope, I definately don't brush much.
I have a very baby soft bristle brush that I use once in a blue moon for smoothing my wrap. Thats it.
I used to brush and brush and brush my hair all of the time b4 reading Cathy Howse's book. Now I don't use one at all! I don't see much of a difference though.